Tuesday 6 May 2014

The Newlyweds; and lesser matters.

I've just received a few snaps of my youngest son's wedding out in Oz. I rather liked this one; very relaxed. Please excuse my indulgence.

Our risk of frost is now over. The long term forecast predicts minimums of about 6 C and maximums of up to 26 C for the foreseeable future.

This means that I can now plant-out all those tender plants that risked being ravaged by the cold. The Peppers and Aubergines are now in situ, and I have left my Tomatoes to cope without any overnight protection. The only other plants that risked death were the Courgettes, but they should now be OK too.

Otherwise all my winter greens have been sowed, and will be planted-out when (or if) they get to a respectable size.

All is looking good, and I predict copious crops. The fruit trees are loaded, as are the soft fruit bushes.

Mother Nature has, yet again, looked kindly upon the lowly Magnons, and I thank her profusely. 

In mid-May we shall begin to think about mushrooms. If the sun warms the soil for the next couple of weeks, followed by a really good downpour, we shall have Girolles in abundance. With Haddock's planted, and a few mushrooms in the fridge, all will be well. My winter depression will clear completely, my shorts will be welded on for the duration, and it won't be long before the pool is open for frolics. 

What larks!


  1. A very handsome couple! Look at all your plants they're even in straight lines (hangs head in shame)

    1. I'm a bit fanatical about Haddock's. Everything has to be in order, well spaced, and reasonably weed-free. When it gets out of hand, I panic.

  2. Haddocks looks great. Lovely photo of the newlyweds. Any others? perhaps with Lady M and Tenpin?

  3. He looks like you I think.....and what a summer you will have...home grown food - sunshine - a pool...fit for a king Cro.

  4. He is your doppelganger - great photo. Haddocks is looking good too - I think we will have to wait another couple of weeks for our last frost - hope so as I desperately need the room in the greenhouse.

  5. Frolics and larks will make me smile.

  6. There was a hard frost in Cambridge the night before last, and we won't see any mushrooms until September at the earliest.

    1. They say here that Cepes do best after a hard winter's frost.

  7. Lovely to see a photo of the happy couple. Haddocks is looking good. Have you planted any haricots verts yet?

    1. Yes, they're about 2 inches up. I then sow every 3 weeks (well, that's the idea anyway).

    2. Someone's just dashed out to his potager to plant his beans...

  8. Nice photos, and i think you're being rather restrained in your indulgence. You son and new DIL are a handsome couple.

    I keep hoping my asparagus will show, but i fear it won't. I planted it when i was beguiled by a warmish day, even though i knew better. Grass is greening up here, and daffs starting to open, so i'll hoe the dirt a bit, and see what i'd like to grow this year.

  9. Lovely photo of the young couple. I gather Lady Magnon is out in Aus visiting?
    The weather here in Italy has certainly warmed up too.

    1. Yes she's been out in Rockhampton and Mullumbimby for about a month..... she should return to France before the end of the month. Enjoy Italy (it's impossible not to!).

  10. Lovely picture, congrats on a new daughter in law.
    Gardens looking good, your way ahead of us!

  11. They make a lovely couple and I’m sure you are looking forward to seeing them again. Haddocks sounds wonderful this year. I have so much to plant yet being the absent gardener this year.

  12. Lovely relaxed photo Cro. How like you he is looking at the photo of you on your blog.
    You are so lucky living in such a climate - our crops in the garden will be prone to frost until early June and our trees are not in leaf yet.

  13. I too think your youngest resembles you. Verra handsome. In glad your garden goes well....we (Will) has just shoveled the composted critter poo onto the garden and will till it in soon. Our soil temps are still too cold for planting much but we have some volunteer spinach coming up!
