Thursday 15 May 2014

The Loser is Islam.

In the disgraceful kidnapping of the Nigerian schoolgirls, the biggest loser in the whole vile business is The World of Islam (other than the poor 200 girls themselves and their families, obviously).

If 'spreading the word' is a part of the kidnappers aim, then they seem to have got things very very wrong.

Maybe the decent, law-abiding, Muslim majority, should now adopt a policy of being overtly peace-loving, helpful, and generous; just to demonstrate to the aggressive minority how they would prefer to be viewed. 

Boko Haram is just one of countless bloodthirsty Muslim terrorist groups, and as a result of this latest abomination I'm afraid that the first thing that now comes to mind, when people hear the word 'Muslim', is TERRORIST.

Only the moderate majority can alter this concept, and I suggest they get on with it pretty bloody quickly, otherwise the world might just begin to lose patience. 


  1. I guess it's always the case of a whole being branded evil because of a few fanatics. But if the whole doesn't denounce or just remain inactive towards the evil activities of the few then it runs the risk of the assumption that it must support the fanatical view point.

    1. I'm constantly hearing moderates saying that Islam is a Peace-Loving religion, but they don't seen too demonstrative. Maybe they should start by getting rid of some of their more vocal Imams.

  2. has a lot to answer for!

  3. Will think positively that the girls will be back soon.!

  4. A shame such a few can bring a religion down, unfortunately there will always be that few who will read what they want to read. I do mean that for any religion!

  5. Sadly the US foreign policy of 'Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out' (slavishly followed by lap dog British PMs) has fostered much extremism.

    1. St Tony of Blair has certainly played a major part in their uprisings.

  6. Just a thought though...when people of other religions commit atrocities, we don't seem to call for people of that particular religion to denounce it - this particular request seems only to apply to Muslims. I would think that all normal human beings, regardless of their religion, would agree that this is a dreadful act.

    1. I don't really know of another group that is so regularly committing such atrocities. There's hardly a continent that hasn't suffered in recent years; and it's for this reason that the moderate majority should speak up more.

    2. there are some interesting stats on

  7. I was touched by something Jon Stewart (The Daily Show) said about this issue. To paraphrase: the kidnappers have been shown "beating their chests" on home videos released recently. They want the world to see them as tough and fearless. But compared to the girls who get up every day and go to school, despite the risk of murder, kidnapping and rape, so that they can get an education....the kidnappers are cowardly to the extreme. Calling them"little girls" would be far too good for them. The women and girls in these places that persevere in going to school show TRUE courage.

    1. Yes, and all they wanted was a decent education.

  8. They are just plain, old-fashioned bloodthirsty brigands - armed better than the Nigerian forces, because the Nigerian forces sold them the arms in the first place. Not much to do with religion, I think.

    1. I get the impression that the NIgerian army are frightened of them!

  9. They follow the example of their leader the prophet Mohammed who teaches through the Koran to defend and kill.

  10. The notion that some how we brought the wrath of islam upon us is simply wrong. Islam is not a religion, it is a cult that worships death. The very koran instructs believers to offer it to no believers, should they refuse it instructs them to force it upon them, should they yet refuse it instructs them to kill them. How do you deal with that? B.H. is simply following the instructions given by the code book of their cult. The very word islam means "submit". Very few if any of the so called believers have ever stood up to decry, let alone do something to stop these savage acts, or extirpate from their midst those who perpetrate them in the name of islam, for when they do they become targets of its wrath as well. Interestingly this event happened well over a month ago yet the mainstream media said little or nothing about it then, now they are in a tizz about it. I smell a bit of theater afoot.
    The following piece from an ex- state department insider might be of interest.

  11. And where do you go with this one?

    1. I was just reading about this..... What a charming bunch!!!

    2. and this one?

  12. Unfortunately, opportunistic political gangs like to arrange their conflicts along sectarian lines. Happens to nearly all religions. Complicates negotiations --demands, exchanges, ransom-- and takes ages to fix.

  13. The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word Muslim is kind, caring next door neighbours, because that's what I have. Maybe I have a different view because I live alongside them and talk to them.

    1. Your neighbours are like 99% of all Muslims, it's the fanatical lunatics that are giving the rest a bad image.
