Monday 12 May 2014

Haddock's at the Ice Saints 2014.

Last Spring I was quite shocked at how quickly everything grew at Haddock's. This year it seems to be growing even faster. We are mid the Ice Saints (May 11th 12th 13th) and our Summer crops are already romping away.

I took a slight chance with the Tomatoes this year, and planted them out well before the risk of frost had passed. My gamble has paid off, and the plants are already looking good, and are in flower. I'm hoping this year that all my ratatouille ingredients will arrive at the same time; it makes bottling so much easier.

I have planted both green and yellow Courgettes this year; no difference in taste, just for aesthetics.

And I've put twice my usual amount of red onions in. I shall probably start pulling some of them quite soon; they double as very attractive, and tasty, Spring Onions.

Life at Haddock's is good (if a little dry).


  1. Oh ...that looks wonderful!! We are about a month away from that....I just put a few tomatoes yesterday....early for us ..I'm taking a chance too!!

    1. We had a very mild winter; most of our cold weather was pre-Christmas.

  2. Never heard that expression, 'Ice Saints', I shall go and look it up. Haddock's looks fantastic. Mind you, with all that work you put in, you deserve your reward!

    1. The Ice Saints (Estelle, Achille, and Rolande) are the dates after which we are supposed to be finally frost-free.

    2. So my saint would be Achille then? I was born on the 12th of May. I prefer that to St Pancras which was the Ice Saint name Google threw up.

  3. I'll happily send you some of our rain. It hasn't stopped chucking it down for three days, and I mean chucking it down like no tomorrow.

    1. My builders arrive today (any second), so I'm now hoping it'll rain at night, and be fine by day. Too much to ask?

  4. I have been hesitant to put anything out but the tomato plants are straining at the leash so I may just have to risk it. It always amazes me just how quickly your garden gets going - the temperature has dropped here with lots of rain - no much opportunity to get out and do stuff.

  5. Yours is much further on than mine. At least a month I'd guess. I'm not going to risk planting out frost susceptible plants just yet

  6. Happy to see all your plants. You have put so much efforts to bring them good. We also have planted tomatoes and onions. They are coming out good!

  7. ooh, ratatouille, I haven't cooked that for years! It's given my the taste for it now :-D

    1. I bottle about 10-15 kilos of Rat' for the winter. Love it.

    2. I've read for a couple of years that you bottle your ratatouille. Do you finish it in a water bath or in a pressure cooker? I get worried about bottling low acid food and haven't progressed to a pressure cooker yet (though I have one, waiting in the wings, but haven't built up the courage to use it).

    3. I use the Le Parfait system with flat metal sealing lids. After the bottles are filled, the lids fitted, and the screw tops in place, I sterilise in a big pan of boiling water for 1 hr. I've never yet had a failure with this method; everyone in France uses it.

  8. We are having excellent growing weather here... warm and wet. Unfortunately it is so wet that we can't get onto the garden to plant out. However the weeds and the grass are SPECTACULAR. I would be very surprised if we have any frost now, but I thought that last week and got stung. The veg under glass are romping away. Is that first pic of cabbage?

  9. The first pic is Red Cabbage; they're already starting to form heads, amazing.

    1. Wow they really are in front aren't they? IMany years ago red cabbage was just for pickling, but I know better now and look forward to them being ready

  10. I put my veggies and herbs in last week. With the horrible, very long winter we had, I was nervous doing that. However, between the rain, mild days, and plenty of sunshine, they are growing very well, but not as well as yours.

  11. Looking like a good year food wise Cro..

  12. I never realized how beautiful a vegetable garden can be until I saw how they are in France. Yours looks suitably in place...

  13. Looking good, Cro .....and not a weed in sight!

  14. Wow you soil looks lovely. The slugs are attacking everything here. Raining on and off all day for the week

    1. If I didn't put down 'wildlife friendly' slug pellets, I'd have nothing!
