Tuesday 8 April 2014

Woodland Nasties.


A few leaves are now beginning to appear, and the temperature has risen to 'acceptably warm'.

Unfortunately we are also mid-season for those nasty nasty 'Processionary Caterpillars', which means avoiding woodland that is predominantly Pine.

These dangerous creatures that one sees in long lines, nose to tail, are now leaving their tree-top nests, and heading off to find underground cubby holes in which to pupate.

Monty 'licked' one when he was much younger, and as a result lost about 2 cms of his tongue. Had he swallowed it, he wouldn't be with us today.

So, for our April walks, we are sticking to non-Pine woodland for the next few weeks. I really couldn't face another disaster like the last one; and I'm sure the dogs feel likewise.


  1. You mentioned these caterpillars before. I had no idea they existed. Can't say I blame you for avoiding them, dogs can be so inquisitive.

  2. How strange that they can cause so much damage - I must say I have never heard the like.

  3. Beautiful pic.
    Never heard of those irritating little caterpillars - googled and learnt more.
    Enjoy your pine-free walks.
    Anna :o]

    1. Surprisingly, not everyone HERE knows how dangerous they are.

  4. They sound really nasty critters.

  5. Not heard of those before, sound like ones to avoid.

  6. Oh my, I have never heard of such a thing. It is good that you know about it but unfortunate that Monty had to go through such a bad time to learn this lesson.

  7. We have pines, but not the nasty caterpillars; thank goodness. I am like everyone else, haven't heard of them.

    1. They are native to Asia, North Africa, and the Southern European countries.

  8. Why is life so bloody dangerous. Even taking dogs for a walk is fraught with problems, sorry I'm having a bad day!
    Wish some of your French neighbours would adopt your standards of decent canine care. Thought you summed up their attitude to dogs perfectly and I generally like the French (love France)!

  9. Don't blame you one little bit. I've only seen one of those caterpillars once here. I didn't realise how dangerous they were until you said.
