Thursday 17 April 2014

Veggie Wednesday 7. Sparra' Grass.

It's hot, dry, and it's Asparagus season, so if one is going to eat Veggie, then why not simply eat a whole plateful of the stuff. It's quick-n-easy; if not cheap.

I must admit that there really was enough for two (500gms), but what the hell; extravagance is something I've been trying to perfect.

In fact I didn't eat all of it; I saved half to have cold for lunch tomorrow (today).

As for the inevitable results of Asparagus eating; it gives me renewed confidence in the internal workings of the human body; and in particular, my own.

I ate my Sparra' Grass with a slightly lemony Mayo. What a treat; seasonal veg' at its best.


  1. Yes, I eat a lot during the short season, we have a few farms growing it around here. I especially like the inner cleansing too.

    1. Eat some and then go for a pee, preferably in a bucket for maximum effect.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Though I despair sometimes at your insistence of vegetarian offerings upon a Wednesday I have to bow my meat loving head and express my fondness for Asparagus and, may Odin strike me down now, of sprouts too...either of which I can happily munch upon with just the addition of a knob of salted butter and some coarsely ground black pepper.

  4. That is lovely Cro. We have some in the freezer left from last spring, but the fresh stuff is the best!

  5. At one time asparagus was only offered to us during the month of April and they were on the menu most days for that short period. Now with imports, we can have them anytime. They are a favorite in my house and asparagus soup will be one of the dishes served at my house this Easter Sunday.

    1. I have to say that any imported stuff here (usually from Spain) is almost tasteless. I like mine to have been picked that morning, from just round the corner, by people I know.

  6. You can get it year round in the grocery store but it isn't always good...I don't like them either too thin or too fat. We steam ours and just use a tad of butter/salt/pepper. I've never tried it cold...isn't it a little bitter that way?

  7. I grow it, and its my little daughters favourite vegetable, can't wait for mine to appear this year.

  8. Love, love asparagus and don't mind the resulting smelly wee !!!! I can remember when our son was little and we were talking about the after effects of asparagus and he was so relieved that he ddn't have anything wrong with him !!!! XXXX

  9. I was wondering what that smell was…..I shall cancel that appointment. Never used to like the stuff but have recently made it a regular menu item. Odd how our tastes change as we age.

  10. I like mine in butter with salt, pepper and a good bit of nutmeg.

    1. Mmmmm have not tried with nutmeg.......

    2. Nor me; doesn't sound right.

    3. just try it... believe me it works.. I steam them for 3 or 4 minutes and then toss them for a minute in a pan with butter salt, pepper and nutmeg...

  11. We've been eating asparagus for a month or so. It's still from south of the border. Can't wait until our own is ready.

  12. The Asparagus we grew in a pot has come up but there is no sign of the ones which were growing happily in the soil last year. Oh dear it looks like they may have died Cro. Marion x

    1. Maybe you should give them a bit more time.

  13. The knife makes another appearance.

  14. Asparagus season seems to have come very quickly - doesn't seem long ago and you were still awaiting spring.

  15. Not quite in season here yet, but soon.I LOVE sparra grass! I have a decent patch in my garden.

  16. Another sparrow grass/asparagus lover here. As kids, we used to eat raw the wild stuff we found in the swamp. Tasted like salty peas. I usually steam the stalks now and eat them as like that. I like them hot or cold.

    We have fiddleheads here, too, which i'm very much looking forward to eating. Like asparagus, very short season and harbinger of spring!
