Tuesday 15 April 2014

The ailing NHS.


Sometimes I really worry about the NHS (The UK's National Health Service).

Even though I don't live in England, I do like to think that all is well with the wonderful health system 'back home'.

Almost daily I hear of hospitals closing, or A & E departments closing, or the system being over-run by over-paid managers. One really does wonder what on earth's gone wrong.

Just this morning I heard an NHS radio advert (on LBC, for the 100th time) advising me to put on extra clothes when it's cold. Well, thank you NHS; I'll bear that in mind, now that Spring is here!

Give me bloody strength; no wonder they're short of cash.


  1. The NHS would be fine if people weren't selfish enough to get sick.

  2. I believe 'sick' is the right word. I was listening to a nurse recently who said that every night they were awash with injured vomiting drunks.

  3. It was minus two this morning. I didn't need telling it was jacket weather.

    1. Exactly! But I wonder how much they spend on telling us?

  4. It is so expensive to get sick in the US that you panic when you sneeze.

  5. Thank goodness I haven't needed to bother the NHS for many years - as for giving stupid advice, well it is all part of the nanny state - they obviously don't think we are clever enough to put a coat on when it's cold.

    1. And yet I've heard countless ad's on just one radio station. It makes you wonder!

  6. We don't need our health services to tell us how to dress...the weather people do that for us.

  7. Read yesterday about a HNS Doctor who removed a pregnant woman's ovary instead of her inflamed appendix, ultimately she died.

  8. My Gran used to tell us “if you need to know what the weather will bring you stick your head out the bloody window after shutting off the telly."

  9. Its not their money so why should they care how they spend it? As far as they are concerned there is more where that came from. But as Thatcher once said : "The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money" ;-)

  10. Problems problems as I see it
    1. The HHS spends money as if it is someone else's
    2. No for profit mentality in process
    3 too much waste
    4 too many people using it inappropriately

    Mind you who listens to nurses?

  11. Advising someone to put an extra coat on is a bit daft, but I can understand the government wanting to promote a healthy lifestyle through good eating and exercise. People should be encouraged to take responsibility for themselves, and not go running to the NHS when things go wrong through over indulgence. Drunks should be billed for the treatment they receive.

    My worry is that if I need medical help I will get the correct diagnosis. Seems that a lot of people don't.
