Tuesday 1 April 2014

Nail-biting times...

As with most of Europe, just about all our fruit trees are now in flower, and as usual I am becoming nervous.

We still have about 6 weeks to go before the risk of frost is over. 

At present we have the anticipation of another bumper harvest, but as has been demonstrated in the past, it can all come to nothing.

Certain fruits ALWAYS come-up trumps. I don't think I've ever known a year without Figs and certain semi-wild Plums, but it's the apples that are the most important, to see us through winter.

So, we cross our fingers, bite our nails, and simply hope for the best.

I'll let you know!


  1. Will keep my fingers crossed for you! Everything there looks so green and lush. We are weeks behind you, it snowed a bunch this past weekend. Ugh.

    1. We are having daytime temperatures of around 20C, but this doesn't mean we're out of danger yet; Frost has a nasty way of turning-up uninvited,

  2. Same over here. Pear and cherry trees look promising, and I do hope no frosts - but it's still a long time until the ice saints in mid May...

  3. Nail biting times indeed - but there's not a lot you can do about it really que sera sera.

  4. I have a load of empty steel 200 litre oil drums. I could send you those to position around the trees which you can fill with smoky flammables for lighting in an emergency. Not only would it save your harvest, if God was really being nice to you, he would ensure a favourable breeze to drift the smoke over your neighbour...

    1. Some wine growers do this.... not sure if I could be bothered. I'll rely on that 'God' of yours.

    2. Do so by all means but don't use me as a reference, I think He hates me.

  5. Good luck Cro.
