Thursday 6 March 2014

Veggie Wednesday.

We have decided to become 'one-day-a-week veggies'; and that day will be Wednesdays.

I'm kicking off with a veggie Couscous. Normally I would include either chicken or lamb into a tagine, but today NO MEAT.

To one of my last year's jars of courgettes in tomato sauce, I add a tin of chick peas, a chunky cut potato, a quartered preserved lemon, raz al hanout, cinnamon, harissa, a few herbs, garlic, and some veggie stock. 

After I have prepared the couscous I add olive oil, dried mint, and cumin seeds.

Couldn't be much simpler, and one can make it as piquante as one likes. We like ours quite spicy.

We both said the same thing; it was totally delicious, and we didn't miss the meat one bit!

Viva Veggie Wednesday!


  1. Good for you! We do three meatless days a week usually. I just think it is a healthier way to live, but it is not for everyone.

    1. Sometimes the amount of meat that we eat is so small, that I don't know why we bother. Maybe our one day a week will expand; we'll see.

  2. Sounds like a good idea and very healthy too. Your meal looks delish !!!

  3. Looks delicious Cro ….. we very rarely have meat …… we are big fish eaters and eat it about three times a week, lots of veg/salad and often a vegtable pasta dish.If we eat meat it is usually chicken and then I make chicken soup with the bones { my absolute favourite }.
    Happy Veggie Wednesday !! XXXX

  4. I go days without eating meat but then suddenly get the urge and fry up a couple of large steaks and a couple of eggs and scoff the lot! For healthier living, I should consider a choc chip cookie free day.

  5. Mmmmm I kinda see the point and the healthy bit but......nah... sorry I'm more carnivorous than omnivorous

  6. Sounds like a healthy change.

  7. Yum! You expanded my food knowledge as I had to look up 'courgettes' (oh yeah, zucchini!) 'raz at hanout' and 'harrisa'. I think I'm going to have to make some harrisa - the husband would love that condiment/paste. Food stuff in tubes are so convenient - maybe first I'll check to see if I can find some of that.

    1. If you can find it, harrisa is great rubbed over roast lamb or chicken. It's essential with couscous.

  8. Sounds delicious! I'll make sure I call round on a Wednesday.

  9. Here's my version...

    You will need...

    1 tablespoon of olive oil
    3 cloves crushed garlic
    2 teaspoons of cumin
    Knob of grated fresh ginger
    2 teaspoon sweet chili sauce
    1/2 cauliflower
    2 zucchini
    1 onion
    fresh coriander
    sweet potatoes
    1 tin chick peas drained and washed
    2 tins tomatoes
    1 tin water
    2 chicken/veg stock cubes

    Then you need to...

    Chop veg, drain and rinse chick peas. Heat oil and saute onion, garlic, ginger, spices till tender. Add stock, tin of water and chili sauce. Stir in sweet potato and tomatoes, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 mins. Add cauliflower and zucchini, cook for further 20 mins till tender. Stir in chick peas and chopped coriander, cook a further 5 mins. This tastes even better the next day as the flavors develop. A real winner here in this home and with anyone else that tries it. Serve with steamed Jasmine or Basmati rice. If you like it with a bit more of a kick use more chili sauce, I do ;)

    1. I thought I would use Cauliflower next time, instead of the Potato. Otherwise it probably tastes quite similar.

  10. Looks really tasty - I love a tagine. Must try your recipe. I'm cooking keralan fish curry tonight - a bit of an experiment...

    1. I haven't had a fish curry for years..... I really must make one!

  11. We do eat lost of meat here on our farm but I will admit my favorite dish is just pasta with garlic tomatoes and basil and a stick of butter or two. But your dish MUCH more sophisticated. Lovely work

  12. Yum yum! I like bean dishes for meatless meals. I'm cooking spicy black beans with tomatoes, peppers, and onions to be served over rice for tonight's dinner.

  13. This reminds me of the brown rice days or weekends we used to have back in the 1970s or lentils and not much else. I must look for the yoghurt and sandals ..

  14. Over here in the UK tomatoes are pretty tasteless, particularly in the winter (although never really tasty), so I find good tinned ones far more use. Next time I have a few cold potatoes left I shall try a veggie version along these lines - I find increasingly that I do not care for meat.

  15. Looks lovely. Maybe slip in an extra veggie day now and again. Veggie food can be very interesting.
