Monday 17 March 2014

Under Foot.

In the Chestnut plantations, the leaves are now all dried-up and crisp. The trees are relaxing and enjoying the Spring sunshine; it won't be long before the buds start to appear.

In the hay fields the grass is growing well, this above was already about a foot tall.

In what small pockets of water are still around, there are long lines of Toad spawn. Already one can see the tiny wriggling tadpoles just waiting to emerge.

And, thank goodness, the quagmire of last month has all gone, and walking is again a pleasure; even the dogs seem to appreciate having dry feet.


  1. Love the amazing colours in the leaves in the small pockets of water.

  2. It has dried up here too, and it is wonderful to be able to take the pup to fields and woods again. We went to the new " Heartwood Forest" yesterday which is eventually going to be one of the largest in UK…trees about 2 feet tall at the moment. During an hour and half walk we came upon 2 remaining ( very) muddy patches, and my pup just had to go right through the middle of them both!!

  3. Nice colours there Cro.
    We now have frogspawn in the pond, but never seem to get toad spawn even though we often have toads!

  4. Great photographs, Cro. It's great to get back in the vegetable garden again.

  5. Your countryside is so much further on than ours Cro. The grass is just thinking about starting to grow. Blackthorn is just in bud and horse chestnut sticky buds are just bursting. Our warm sunshine has been replaced by cold wind.

  6. Now that is what spring is supposed to look like. Lucky Cro.

  7. Ahhh this post brightens the cold morning here and gives me hope! Thank you.

  8. for a moment I thought the picture of the leaves was fish. I need glasses

  9. Love the colours in the toad spawn photo, and I too thought the leaves were fish!

    Meanwhile, winter is never going to end here. -21C this morning, and 10 cm more snow predicted for tomorrow. I've had enough now!
