Tuesday 25 March 2014

Inovative Cro.


I've only 'invented' two things of any note.

My first was black Band Aids, Elastoplasts, or whatever they're called where you live. Back in the 60's it seemed strange to me that these plasters should all be 'caucasian' pink colour, I believe that darker ones are now widely available. I should have copyrighted my brilliant idea.

My other genius invention is the '3 Temperature Electric Cro Kettle'. This would have 3 buttons, 1; boiling, 2: late for train, and 3: student.

People with average time on their hands would make their coffee/tea with button No 1's 'boiling' water. Those with a train to catch (or had overslept) might choose hottish No 2's 'late for train'. And those students for whom everything has to be instant, would choose No 3's tepid 'student' button (pour-stir-drink-n-rush).

The No 3 button would also come in useful for the student stand-by (and probably stand-up) meal of extremely instant Pot Noodles (ramen).

I think it's a winner; although I haven't copyrighted this one either!

p.s. I should add that Lady Magnon likes her water 'twice-boiled'. During and after the initial boiling she usually goes off somewhere to look for her glasses/shoes/phone/handbag/the dogs/etc. Then after a delay of about 15 minutes, the water is given a second (and more thorough) boiling, before being used.

Maybe the Cro Kettle should have a fourth 'repeat' button.


  1. I follow the Lady M school of water heating.

  2. Sorry Cro but it's already been invented and I have one ….. really. It's the KitchenAid kettle and you have a sliding feature at the bottom of the kettle which allows you to boil the water to whatever temperature you like.
    Sorry …. it's back to the drawing board for you !!!! XXXX

    1. I hope you're joking! This was my best invention ever, and you tell me that someone has ALREADY pinched it. There's no justice.

    2. I've just Googled it, and see that you weren't kidding. The bastards!

  3. Both great inventions - shame someone beat you to it - oh well, back to the drawing board!

  4. Perhaps you need to be more tangential?

  5. They make blue Elastoplast now of course, just incase someone chops their finger off in McDonalds. Even the Caucasian pink ones stand out a mile on Caucasians. Do you remember that artist's pigment they called 'flesh pink'?!

    1. Yes, a handy short-cut for portrait painters!

    2. My question is: why would they even try to make them match flesh-color? Like anyone is really fooled? And more importantly, should you be ashamed to have cut your finger or whatever and want to try hide the fact that you have to wear a bandaid? Yes I was thinking about this too much this morning.

  6. I am afraid Cro that it is a female failing. In my driving days it was always my car keys that were missing - now it tends to be my hearing aid!!!

  7. Yep...my Mom was a 'reboiler' and so am I.

  8. It seems only the very rich can become inventors now. If you wish to patent something I believe you have to take out patents world wide. This is very expensive. I invented the stick on fly killer for wheelie bins. Now they sell them in Tesco and I don't get a penny. :(

  9. I boil the kettle when I fill it so that it will boil faster when I want it...

  10. we have a rapid boil kettle. I also boil twice. we call it butterfly mind in our house. I just pretend to myself that I am making sure there are no bugs in the water.

    Please invent something to stop the limescale building on the rapid boil plate at the bottom of my kettle... the element is hidden

  11. I need Lady M option as well seems this is the story of my life lol

  12. I boil my water in a pot on the stove. My problem is that I get distracted and allow all the water to boil away forcing me to wait for my tea while I boil up another pot. I think you should invent a pot with a whistle so that people like me can hear when it is boiling.
