Wednesday 19 March 2014


Freddie has recently started 'standing-up' on his hind legs like a human.

In the early evenings he has taken to sunning himself on the roof. En route, he stops a while by some vines, and stands-up; surveying the landscape. 

Cats are strange creatures, I don't think we'll ever really understand what's going on in their minds; nor, frankly, do I think we would want to.


  1. If one of mine (Kim the grey) hears something that she can't see she does a meerkat impersonation to try and see what it is.

  2. Great shot - you do wonder what is going on in their heads sometimes.

  3. I love it!! Cats are definitely odd creatures. You never know what kind of personality quirks they may develop.

    Fred is a beauty, btw. :)

  4. What a great picture ! I wonder if she will find her lookout post as attractive when the vine is in leaf.

  5. Wonderful photograph Cro. Agree about the strangeness of cats - one thing is for sure, they are marvellous at exploiting every bit of sunlight to their advantage and I suspect this is what she is doing here.

  6. Perhaps he was a sailor in a past life - Land Ahoy!

  7. Dogs are fun and loyal. Cats are interesting and interested. That is a great picture, Cro!

  8. They are plotting on how to take over the world.....I'm thinking they might be an improvement.

  9. Great photo. I think he thinks he's a meerkat. They get a lot of publicity now and he aims for stardom.

  10. Freddie looks to be quite the character.....hmmm......not unlike his owner?

  11. Great photo! When our dog was little he did the same thing on our couch so he could see outside from the window.

  12. The late Jim would do this when he wanted to see something of particular interest. I wonder if he got a better view.

    In your photo, it looks as though Freddie has a better view, is partly camouflaged, and perhaps can balance a bit better standing up rather than finding a spot for all four paws at the same level with the ease of seeing all around.

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo. Made me laugh out loud and I so needed that. Thanks Cro

  14. What a handsome, talented cat!! :)

  15. He's going to take over one day.

  16. I love this photo, Cro and I agree about Tabbies, We have one, too, and let me tell you she is different from the others. She, too, is a free-spirit and loves to sleep under a chin. :) Deb
