Friday 21 March 2014

Alan Whicker 1925-2013.


Those of us 'of a certain age' will remember Alan Whicker with huge respect.

In pre cheap-foreign-holiday times, it was he who took us around the world, and introduced us to strange and wonderful places; often with great humour.

His TV documentary series 'Whicker's World' showed us the bizarre, the eccentric, and the downright ludicrous. His travelogue programmes were never dull.

One of the greatest tributes to his extraordinary life must have been 'The Alan Whicker Appreciation Society' (above, with hero), who always met wearing his distinctive glasses and moustache. Their Cricket team even sported a Whicker-Keeper.

I'm not sure why, but I've only just heard that Whicker died last summer. I'm belatedly saddened.


  1. As a Californian, I'm only "belatedly" finding out about this extraordinary man, who passed away at age 87 or at age 91. Personally, I think it was the latter. Perusing some prior posts, it is certain I shall learn here. My compliments. Following.

    1. Sorry, but my attempts to join "followers gallery" meet with "We're sorry...We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later."

      Will definitely try again later.

    2. I wonder why that was? Everything seems to be working OK this end.

  2. Mr Whicker was a man greatly admired by myself. His travels and wry sense of humour indeed opened the world to a generation.

  3. Perhaps to mark your belated mourning you could dress up as the great man youself?

    1. Maybe I'll just practice the voice.

    2. We do that on a fairly regular basis in our office!

  4. Whickers World was compulsory viewing back in the day - he had such great style.

  5. I hadn't heard about his death, and so I am belatedly saddened too. Thank you for this.

  6. I can remember him on the ' Tonight ' programme with Cliff Michelmore which was before ' Whickers World ' !! I always thought that he seemed such a lovely man. XXXX

  7. Yes, he was a real 'one off' wasn't he, Cro.

  8. Every once in a while I catch a re-run of his programme and find them just as enjoyable today -- sometimes more and they are such a fabulous reminder of how things have changed in so many ways.

  9. I recall when he was on Desert island Discs his chosen luxury item was the ABC World Airline Timetable.
