Friday 21 February 2014

What a complete and utter mess.


I live in a quiet, green, and peaceful part of the world, and I keep myself to myself. I try to be a decent citizen, yet moan when a neighbour builds an unpleasantly coloured wall. That is the extent of my woes.

But the more I see and read about the human race elsewhere, the more it disgusts me. We are a bunch of murderous, blood-thirsty, greedy, self-centred, and misguided psychopaths.

I do accept that this description of my fellow man, is exactly that; fellow MAN. But the foulness of humanity is not exclusively male; women can be just as bad, albeit usually on a much smaller scale.

When I look at Syria, North Africa, Central Africa, Egypt, Thailand, Ukraine, and countless other countries, all I see is constant blood-letting and self destruction.

I wonder if this is not Mother Nature's way of saying 'to hell with the whole bloody lot of you'?

I risk being branded an 'ageing hippy', but for goodness sake; am I just one lone voice who believes in PEACE, LOVE, and HARMONY?



  1. Even those who would not be seen as an "ageing hippy" agree with you here. It can be endlessly frustrating to see the ways in which some people act towards their planet and fellow man.

  2. I believe in living in harmony, and am merely ageing ….not particularly hippy!

  3. I believe the biggest percentage of humans want to live, love and raise their children in peace. Unfortunately I realise how easily a human mind can be manipulated; in innocent things like screaming at a Beatles concert, to falling under the spell of an evangelist or going with the flow of a dictator. People's minds are being twisted to believe they have to do this and behave this way. It is very sad.

    1. I agree with this. People are easily swayed by the current tide of fashion and opinion.The media is all powerful and operates in the interests of the powerful who control them. Statistics are almost always biased and unreliable so we never hear the truth about anything too much. A sorry state of affairs.

  4. Peace, love and harmony are all very well when we've got food on our tables, warmth, rain, wonderful living conditions and all the luxuries that the Western world can offer. If ones life is living in squalor, violence, poverty, rape etc. etc, then I'm afraid violence and all that goes with it follows. I think that it's very easy to wish for these things when we live such privileged lives. XXXX

    1. I see things slightly differently. If one is living in the poverty you describe, then I would have thought it expedient to make one's life better in every way possible, and that includes being kind to one's fellow man. AND, it comes free!

    2. A lovely thought BUT, I don't think that it's that simple or that black and white….. I wish that it were. XXXX

  5. No you are not alone...we sit and watch the news around the world in absolute horror. How can people treat each other so cruelly with so little disregard for human life?

  6. No Cro, you are not alone in this, I really hate to read newspapers and watch the news on tv as it is all so depressing. I despair at humans and the greed and destruction they leave behind them all the time.
    Sometimes I don't even want to leave the house as I know there will be a scowl from somebody somewhere to spoil my day.
    Mind you this is in Brighton a town that has turned into a messy maelstrom, not like I remember it in my younger days.

    1. Remember the policemen in white helmets? Why did they ever stop that; it made Brighton so special.

    2. Policemen no longer wear white helmets in Brighton! God, they'll be handing Gibraltar back to the Spanish next.

  7. Cro:
    You left one out, Caracas. Have you been following the mess there?. Western governments and the media seem to be ignoring it. Cuban funded Tupamaro anarchists authorized by the Maduro govt are murdering people who are simply asking for food and toilet paper on store shelves.

    1. Lady Magnon spent several years in Caracas as a girl. Her father was at our embassy. It was full of corruption and thieving even in those days.

    2. Yes you mentioned that before. I guess she must have been there in the 60s or early 70s. The time of Perez Jimenez and later Betancourt. A quite stable time by today's standard. At this point it has gone beyond the typical corruption. The streets are on fire and the scene is no different than Kiev. Except the protesters are being mowed down with impunity as they don't have the means to shoot back. And the press is at best glossing over it while fawning over Kerry's epistles on globular warming. Sadly that is what happens when free nations expressly make it their policy to leave a vacuum of power and give a nod and a wink to the promoters of so called "social justice". Freedom and peace are not free. They are always paid for in blood and misery.

  8. I've despaired of my fellow man for a long time and I fear that as young people bury themselves in their cell phones and web life that the horrors of the real world become less real to them and easier to ignore.
    I grew up in a great country that now is such a mess I no longer recognize it.

  9. I agree with you absolutely, Cro. But I also see distressing signs in our safe haven in the west -- so much suspicion between different cultures. In Britain America it seems there is a rise in right wing extremism that vilifies those we do not understand -- and each year these groups seem to become more acceptable to the status quo. I could rant on ...

  10. You're right. In light of all the atrocities taking place around the world, it becomes increasingly more difficult to believe in the inherent goodness of our fellow man, and to maintain an optimistic viewpoint about the future of our planet.

  11. I agree with Andi and everybody else. I do not understand the "why" of the madness of people except that power is the greatest aphrodisiac and some people will do anything to have it no matter the consequences.

  12. Someone should tell the Ukrainians that the EU is not all it is cracked up to be.

    1. I wonder WHAT they've told? Land of milk-n-honey, no doubt.

  13. In answer to the question posed in your last paragraph Cro, sadly very few these days.

  14. Since time immemorial humans have done despicable things to each other and if you believe the Bible, not even a family of four could live together without one murdering another.

    Try seeing this sort of thing first hand and you'll really despair.

  15. What the hell is wrong with people? All I know is that in this country (U.S.) we are killing each other left and right. I feel like I'm living in the wild west. Pretty soon we'll all be running around with holsters slung on our hips.
    I wish the world was run by aging hippies!

  16. Here is an interesting take on it all.

  17. The world is changing too quickly for the old guard.
