Sunday 16 February 2014

Scottish Independence (just 7 months away).


I like Alex Salmond. He has the right ideas, but I do need to be assured on these few important post-independence points.

1. Scotland would no longer be allowed to use the Pound Sterling.
2. Scotland would have to re-apply to join the EC, and (if accepted) adopt the Euro.
3. All Scottish nationals would be obliged to surrender their old (treasured) UK passports.
4. All roads out of Scotland would be manned by burly English Customs officials.
5. All Scots would be subject to strict passport controls and body searches, and all Scots nationals MUST be in possession of a valid entry visa (£50 fee) and a new Scottish passport, before entering, or staying on, in England.
6. This No 6 might be a bit far-fetched, but I would also like an assurance that all Scottish actors, union leaders, football managers, students, and general trouble-makers, would be encouraged to return to their belovéd country.
7. Likewise, all English owned businesses would be made to return to England.
8. (And most importantly) All 59 Scottish MP's would no longer sit at Westminster.

Providing that Alex (above) can guarantee these 8 basic points; then I'm with him all the way.

Don't listen to Chancellor George Osborne, he's far too analytical and intelligent. Vote WITH Alex on Thursday 18th Sept 2014. Long live an Independent Scotland!

You know it's best (for England).


  1. I would love to see any Westminster MP with a Scottish surname sent to live on the Island of Muck.

  2. I could live with all of that!

  3. I hope Wales doesn't go down this route!
    We'd be fucked if we do

    1. Wales had its chance, and didn't take it. That's when they stopped burning English-owned holiday cottages.

    2. The slogan was 'Come home to a roaring fire; buy a cottage in Wales'.

    3. Cro, that's a little intolerant. In Derbyshire we believed if we exported sheep to France we could nip over for a free roast.

  4. Have you made your cheek sore by having you tongue in it for the whole length of this article Cro?

  5. The British Isles (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) need each other. Like we need good old Uncle Sam - USA. They have the policy of " We have the biggest gun".

    Let's unite not divide.

  6. I've given up whisky so I couldn't care less...

  7. Again....not hard to see why our ancestors left the mother was Culloden that was the final straw! Hmmm....what was the British empires slogan when conquering, oh sorry, colonizing the rest of the planet? ;). You are right though northsider Dave, those guns came in handy for the revolution! (Sorry- not really a rabid patriot just wanted to point out the ironies)

    1. Plenty of 'ironies' in the Scottish debate, that's why I posted it. I was hoping for some ardent pros and ardent antis. I'm not saying where I stand!

  8. They're earning more supporters for the Yes campaign by all their threats!
