Friday 3 January 2014

Greyness and Damp.

At the first semblance of light (at the moment 8.15am) I take the dogs for a walk.

Having got up at about 5.30am, this gives me roughly 2½ hrs of laptop time to vist blog-world, answer all my Emails, and read a couple of on-line newspapers.

Any farmers who still have milking herds are usually up at this time, but otherwise the countryside is totally quiet, and everything is mine alone.

If it's been frosty (which is hasn't for a while), there is just the sound of crunching leaves. If it's rained overnight (which is has for a while) the paths are dotted with waterlogged pot-holes, so I need to zig-zag around them, trying to keep the boys from taking an unwanted bath.

One good thing about our rain, is that it seems to stop with the advent of daylight. Am I just extremely lucky in this, or is it the same everywhere?
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  1. Cairns is renowned for its tropical rain overnight to clear to a beautiful sunny day.

  2. Yesterday was beautiful but by evening it had turned foul - it seems to be the pattern at the moment.

  3. I think you are extremely lucky at the moment with the rain stopping when it is light. As far as I can make it is the other way round over here.

  4. We had rain lashing down all night, and clear skies at the moment!

  5. Greyness and damp after all that Seasonal brilliance. Here it started raining just after Christmas brunch and continued in torrents for five days. No wonder I was reduced to Reading! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  6. Outside has had a pink wash and I'm looking at a spectacular rainbow to the west at the moment. It has been raining in the night and was sunny as dawn broke.

  7. We do not get enough rain here, It only rains when you really don't want it to!

  8. Our rain has been on and off torrential during both daylight and darkness. I'm not the only one who is getting a bit fed up with it now, which means that I don't get up at 5.30 every morning.

  9. In our rainy season it rains both day and night. You just lucked out.

  10. We woke up to 8" of snow. Rain would have been preferable.

  11. Your countryside is gloriously beautiful for a walk....THAT's luck!!! Here we have a foot of snow so rain would be better. Rain at night would be so it rains during the day too, Cro.

  12. I doubt I'd be able to stand up if I went for a walk in the strong winds we have today. We've had rain, hail, thunder and lightening as well. As I write, the sun has come out but will probably be replaced with snow or witches on broom sticks within the next few minutes. Love that calm you speak of though. Love cows too. They sound good, look good and smell good.

    1. I agree with you about cows; lovely creatures.

      Lets hope your witches are kindly witches.

  13. It has been a bit like that here for the last day or two Cro.

  14. Wind and lashing rain ... well .. it is Wales.

  15. We've been getting our snow overnight...4 inches two nights ago...another 6 to 10 inches predicted tomorrow night. Lovely to wake up to...especially when I don't have to go anywhere.
    Beautiful pics, Cro.

  16. I've noticed that sometimes the rain is done at dawn...and sometimes it keeps on raining.

  17. Our rain's not choosy about when it falls. Day. Night. Whenever. I'd settle for some good hard frosts to kill the bugs off.

  18. You're obviously living in Camelot, where it only rains at night.

    1. Having just read your page, Marty, I think you're right!.... Welcome.
