Monday 6 January 2014

Cruelty to Animals (not for the faint-hearted).


Hatred is quite popular at the moment.

Muslims hate Muslims, Christians hate Christians, Muslims hate Christians, Christians hate Muslims, workers hate their bosses, the poor hate the rich, Africans all hate each other, the left hates the right, and we all hate Kim Jong-un.

I'm not big on hatred, but I have signed-up to one Hatred Club (other than the final one, above). I really do HATE people who are cruel to animals; even in a minor way.

The man who beats his donkey, the owners of dogs that are permanently chained-up, the idiots who make bears dance on their hind legs. Frankly I'd have them all locked-up.

As a race, we do terrible things to the creatures that share this planet of ours. A nation's kindness to animals has always been an indicator of its state of civilization. Unfortunately there are an awful lot of countries that revel in being un-civilized.

France has a lot to learn about animal welfare. Just recently we saw a beautiful young Border Collie puppy locked inside a tiny wired enclosure; he will no doubt spend his entire life there. Many years ago the same family caught, and caged, a Red Squirrel, and I'm pleased to say that, without our knowing, my children went there one night and let it free.

Of course all of this fades into insignificance in comparison to the practice of breeding, and preparing, dogs for food, as is the case in China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Korea (see here if you have the stomach; BE WARNED). Occasionally I find it difficult to believe that human beings can be so totally depraved when it comes to animal treatment.

Some nations seem to be congenitally cruel, both to themselves and their animals. I don't suppose there's all that much that we can do about it, other that waiting for them to see the depraved errors of their ways.

Sometimes one feels completely, and depressingly, powerless.


  1. You, Cro, might be able to imagine the contempt I feel for those here who, while professing to be Christians and attend their churches regularly, beat each other, their children, their wives, their animals and thieve like there was no tomorrow.

  2. Well said tom....cruelty lies just around the Corner
    I have 20 or so unwanted animals here to prove it

  3. Agree with you as I usually do Cro. That picture above is absolutely unbearable. Some years ago somebody ran over my beloved cat, half killing him. They didn't even stop and it was not until the next day that a friend, walking his dogs down the road heard this screaming noise and discovered my cat on the side of the road. It haunts me still.

  4. I would love a pet. I work all day, long hours away from home it would not be fair. in my last temp job one lady said, "oh no, don't worry about them wrecking your furniture. Just buy a crate and lock them in". 10 hours a day in a crate? let alone the locked in bit. What about toilet needs? let alone anything else.

    I will wait till I retire to have a pet.

  5. As Sol...I too would love a pet. A cat preferably but at our advanced ages the animal might outlive us and then what would happen to it? Or we might find ourselves physically unable to care for it.. Common sense tells us it would not be fair to an animal for us to indulge ourselves in pet ownership. Those days are gone. I'll sign up for your 'hatred' club Cro.

  6. It really is hard to imagine how anyone could be mean to something that licks your hand or rubs against your leg with such love and devotion. That picture is heartbreaking.

  7. Cruelty to animals makes me sick. I love my dogs and my bird like family. I can't imagine what goes on in the minds of some of these animal abusers.

  8. I'm definitely with you on this one. I'd like to add to the list of hate, SeaWorld that keeps dolphins and Killer Whales in captivity, circus's that "train" wild animals to do tricks, people who get exotic pets and then release them into the wild when they're too big (many big snakes in Florida now because of this) or no longer cute. I don't like zoos that keep animals in small cages or enclosures, I can deal with those that have open land for the animals.

    1. I don't like people going around TAGGING everything either. Leave animals to be free.

  9. I totally agree that is a disgusting practice; I wonder if the petitioner also would extend that sentiment towards lobsters and bivalves? Not quite as cuddly but still capable of feeling and expressing pain....

  10. Totally agree.

    Most of those kids who went into schools In the USA and shot other people were all found out to be cruel to animals.

  11. I live in a rural area across the road from an old run-down, but working farm. People are always dumping their unwanted animals there or in the woods behind my home. We are doing our best to care for them and can't imagine why people would do that to their pets who loved and trusted them. We got a new one this week who was freezing and hungry and it looks like someone cut her tail off. It breaks my heart.

    1. I'm afraid that the dumping of unwanted animals is a world-wide problem; it certainly happens here, usually after the summer holidays.

  12. It is beyond heartbreaking to witness how cruel we human beings can be to animals.
    I was involved with animal rights groups in my younger years...protesting, writing letters, volunteering, etc. I watched films and read about horrible abuses until I just couldn't do it anymore.
    I have such a soft spot in my heart for animals, and it can be very painful thing to have.

  13. I can only deal with it by trying to help the animals close to me, hence the volunteer work for our local shelter. Like with Starting Over, people are always dumping animals around here (like our Naomi and Emily.) I wish I could help them all... sigh.
