Thursday 9 January 2014

Cowboy Cro.

            Drawing by Lady Magnon (it just would be, wouldn't it!) .

Living out in the country means that we don't have litter strewn streets, or queues of double decker buses, or daily muggings. What we do have, however, are plenty of wayward animals.

Tom over at A hippo-on-the-lawn recently posted a photo of himself wearing nature's finest (whilst hanging out his washing), and it reminded me of this occasion.

It is not unusual, as we have no fences, to hear the clattering of hooves on our terrace during the night. These might belong to either cows or horses.

On this particular occasion there seemed to be a whole herd of cows fooling around outside our large kitchen plate-glass window (I suspect they could see their own reflections, and were fascinated). So in the dim moonlight I went down, grabbed my wellies, and scared them off.

Lady M wisely decided to record the scene; so here it is for your (and my) amusement.... or not.


  1. Fresh air and exercise certainly put roses in those cheeks!

  2. Ha ha would love to have seen that

  3. That reminds me..... I need to buy a chicken from tescos

  4. Enjoyed that although a front view would have been better. OK that's naughty, but at my age I am allowed to be. I already wear purple and wear the bottom of my trousers rolled - so I need to step it up a bit.

  5. A true operarius rusticus. Whatever it was you were waving at the cows certainly animated them...

  6. You may not have been so foolhardy were it a snowy winter night.

  7. No cows around here, but we've had an alligator sun bathing in the backyard.

  8. bare bottoms and wellies? ooh la la !

  9. lol good start to my day,the mail lady prior to me told me of one of my farmers, there was a flood and she had bought up bread and milk for the family, to get to her he had to cross a swollen creek,as he got closer she saw he had a jumper and willies on and nothing else, she said she did not raise her head until he collected his goods and turned far nothing so...exciting..has happened to me but every time I see him I have to smile to myself.

  10. It's been such an interesting month so far with so many bums being revealed. Gosh...I wonder who will be next? I love Lady Magnon's cheeky!

  11. Brilliant - rosy cheeks and all.

  12. Love the drawing.I find rosy rotund buttocks and wellies inspirational...might put it on my blog and pen a rondolet to it (with your permission of course)
