Saturday 11 January 2014


I have a strange relationship with carrots. I only like them in 3 distinct ways.

I like them in a beef/red wine stew (e.g. boeuf bourguignon), in spicy Moroccan style chicken tagines (the above were eaten thus last night), and grated with lemon juice. Other than that I'm not really too keen.

Seeing as we have quite a healthy crop still sitting in the ground up at Haddock's, I suppose I ought to find some new recipes. The horses actually eat more than we do.

No doubt my reluctance is because I don't really eat anything that is SWEET.


  1. I love knobby carrots with noses and such! ;)

  2. I understand carrots are actually very good in a diabetes diet so perhaps they are one sweet item that should be on your menu more often.

    Personally, I eat carrots most days - was interested in grated with lemon - must try that as I have them grated with orange.

    1. Carrot and orange is a very good combination. I always add orange juice to my Bourguignon.

  3. Love them roasted - slightly overdone so that they caramelise.

    1. Yes, I'd go along with that; especially the 'overdone' bit.

  4. Those specimens look great...fat and flavoursome. When I was pregnant I adored raw carrots.....could have had a worse craving I suppose. Now I love them roasted in a pan of sweet potatoes and parsnips.

  5. How I envy your unsweet tooth - so many temptations can be disregarded!
    What about carrot and coriander soup - or carrot and onion soup?

  6. The first carrots were commercially grown in England in the early 17th century were at Beckington, a few miles from Bath. Carry on.

  7. I shall check in my moms old pickeling book to see if she has a recipe for carrots or perhaps mixed veggies. If i find one I'll pass it on.

    1. Nothing for carrots in her book I'm sorry to say.

  8. Lovely! I like carrots all those ways too, and roasted and in a pickled hot mix as mentioned above. I have the same issue with being over sensitive to sweets, but addicted to fats and savories!

  9. The rude ones are my favourite...

  10. My grandchildren went to day camp with little packets of carrots for a snack. My grandson returned his at the end of the day. "Too much chewing."

  11. I like big chunks of carrot in a beef stew - yum.

    1. That's how I like them too; preferably with plenty of Horseradish Sauce.

  12. I like carrots, raw and in stews. Also roasted as long as there is a lot of 'gooey' stuff stuck to them. And caramelized, but that's probably too sweet for you (me too!)...

  13. I wish I didn't eat anything sweet! I've got a terrible sweet tooth and could at it all until I explode! I also love carrots (but beetroot is better!)

  14. They're lovely grated with some cumin, garlic, spring onions, parsley and combined with a little flour and an egg and shallow fried as fritters.

  15. I like carrots - time to sow more any time soon.

  16. Hah, there are three carrots in one carrot!

  17. I love carrots, raw or cooked. I like dipping them in hummus, too.
