Friday 24 January 2014

Bread, bread, glorious bread.

TV's current obsession with all things 'baking' has made me realise, more than ever, how much I enjoy the simple act of making my own bread. And as our wood-fired oven is on the go at the moment, I decided to indulge myself yesterday morning.

I make two types of bread; the child's play Soda Bread, and the not so child's play Yeast Bread (I have yet to attempt Sour-dough Bread). With the latter I've always previously used fresh Yeast, but today I used the more convenient dried version.

I followed the instructions on the pack (500 gms flour, 2 packs yeast, large teaspoon salt, 300 gms warm water, and a splash of olive oil). Then I remembered why I enjoy making Soda Bread so much; none of that bloody kneading business!

Anyway, all went well, and here she is; a nice crusty loaf that smells divine. And just in time for lunch.

Just for info; I used half wholemeal and half ordinary flour. 


  1. Is there an obsession with all things baking on French tv too?
    Very nice looking bread. I don't bake so will leave the baking to you.

    1. No, there are a few 'cookery' shows, but all very poor.

  2. I can smell that from here! Now that's a proper loaf.

  3. You can make Irish.Soda Bread with no yeast. Just place a teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda and use equal quantities of self raising flour and brown flour. Mix together with buttermilk or sour milk. Put a cross on the top (to warn off evil spirits and thoroughly cook it) and sprinkle with water to give a nice crust. Bake on a flat tray. When cooked it will sound hollow when you tap it underneath.

    1. I make Soda Bread regularly (almost with my eyes closed). Wonderful stuff.

  4. Although I don't bake bread, I have done it once or twice in the distant past and did find the experience very satisfying. My youngest son has taken to making his own bread and become very good at it. Unfortunately for me, he is at the moment living in Vancouver, BC and I don't get to enjoy the fruits of his labour!

    I'll bet your kitchen smells fit for the gods!

  5. I've been thinking about making bread again...when I was first married I made bread every week. My recipe made three loaves. I wonder if I still have the arm/shoulder strength to do it. Your loaf looks very rustic.

  6. Looking at your picture of fresh baked bread, I wish Blogger had smell-o-vision.

  7. I can almost smell it from here Cro - might even try it myself. I used to make a lot of bread but have somehow got out of the habit. Trouble is - with a loaf like that it is a great temptation to rip off a large piece of crust, spread it thickly with butter, eat it while it is still warm and put an inch on your hips.

  8. Looks tasty as all get out, love home made bread, I make ours, but I'm a lazy baker and use a bread machine.

  9. I love making bread, too, and actually enjoy the kneading part. (Good therapy!) The only bread I don't enjoy making very much is rye bread. The taste is fabulous, but the dough is awful to work with... verrrrry sticky.

    Darn. Now I'm gonna have to bake some bread this weekend. It's been a while...

  10. I'm with Weaver, bread packs the pounds on me. I love it dearly, and it seems to love me just as much by never wanting to leave. sigh.

    I used to bake my own quite a bit. I might have to bake some soon, just to see if i still can.

  11. When you say 'ordinary' flour, would that be strong flour? All we can get here is cake flour. I would like to have something to blame other than my own ineptitude.

    1. I think it must be 'general purpose' flour. On the pack it says Type 55.

    2. On the side of mine, translated from Pork&Cheese, it says; Flour with raising agent especially for cakes. May contain traces of eggs, milk, soy, nuts and sesame.

  12. I think cake flour is finer than all purpose, but it should do all right for bread. Try Cro's soda bread recipe and see how it goes.
