Tuesday 24 December 2013

Dec' 24th.


It's all done-n-dusted. I've managed to buy a good looking 'properly reared' Turkey, the sprouts are waiting for me up at Haddock's, and all the prezzies are wrapped and ready for distribution. So that's it, if it ain't been bought, it ain't gonna be bought!

Now, on with the fun..... The festivities kicked-off here last night with a pleasant bash chez my friend 'St Theresa of the Floral Tribute'; and with any luck the silliness will continue for the next week or two!

So, have fun, enjoy yourselves, and make it the best Christmas ever. Cro xx


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your fine lady. Wishing you both all the best.

  2. Thank you Cro....Happy Christmas x

  3. Wishing you and Lady M a wonderful Christmas, Cro. I look forward to reading more of your entertaining and thoughtful posts for years to come. Nina, Gippsland, Down-Under - xxx

    1. Thanks Nina; I'm looking forward to reading about your gardening exploits. 2014 maybe?

  4. I wish you and yours wonderful holiday, Cro.

  5. Wishing you the same - my mornings wouldn't be the same without your entertaining posts - keep up the good work.

  6. Have a lovely time…thanks for an interesting new post every morning over breakfast. Best Xmas Wishes to you and Lady M. X

  7. Christmas Eve, the shopping is done here too. All around have their holiday heads on and no one is working, all the tradesmen have knocked off as well, I have stocked up on fuel and oil for the generator, filled the car and truck up, I am ready for the long haul that is Christmas. The house is full of Marcia's relatives.

    This morning the electric water pump burnt out so no water and no chance of buying spares.

    Still, singing carols will lift our spirits as we organise a bucket chain from the well to the house and fill the tank that way!

    1. I believe that Whisky is a good alternative to water! Sing up!

  8. Happy Christmas Cro to you and Lady Magnon from Far North Queensland. Enjoy your turkey and chestnut stuffing.

  9. It sounds like you're all set, Cro. Here's wishing you and Lady Magnon a very happy Christmas.

  10. Dear Cro,
    Just time for a bit of a tidy up before all of the festivities begin. We always have friends round on Christmas Eve and I'm cooking for the family on Christmas Day { … when does the time come when your children cook Christmas dinner for you ? Ours are 34 and 32, have houses, partners and children of their own and still come to our house !! haha …. we love it really }
    Wishing you, Lady M and all of your family and friends the merriest of Christmases and, I look forward to more of Magnons Meanderings in 2014. Much love. XXXX

    1. Thanks Jacqueline. I suppose that our children always remain children no matter how old they are. I just wish mine weren't all so far away; I'd love to include them all, but no luck!

  11. Happy Christmas Cro to you and Lady M...hope you all have the best of times!
    Bought a bottle of Armagnac ..always makes think think of being in your heavenly part of the world...
    We will send a toast your way!!!

  12. The next couple of days are busy ones indeed as we fight the good fight of cooking and keeping things reasonably tidy and germ free. Bring on the treats and the presents, the party crackers and the games. Merry Christmas Cro to you and Lady M.

  13. Happy Christmas to you and Mrs. Magnon and the pets!

  14. Happy Christmas Eve Cro! All is wrapped here except for a last minute knitting project I'm still working on.....

    1. 11th hour knitting; I like the sound of that!

  15. And a very Happy Christmas to you, Lady M, Bok, Monty, and Freddie!


  16. Wishing you and the Lovely Lady M a most joyous Holiday season.
    Warm Regards

  17. Oh, Dear, I forgot the fur kids. Many blessings upon them.
