Saturday 14 December 2013

A Painter Paints.

Lady M spent 4 years at Art College studying painting; and she used her time well. She knows exactly how to prepare everything in advance, and how to keep both herself and the whole area spotlessly clean.

Here she was, yesterday, painting the bathroom wall (with a bath sponge). She thought it needed a little pre-Christmas 'sprucing'.

In the past she has been known to be a teeny-weeny bit messy; but yesterday she was very 'good', for HER this was almost mess free!

Artistic professionalism, and innovation,  is alive and well in the Magnon household.

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  1. Totally unrelated to your post, Cro, but I just had to tell you...we adopted a new dog from a local shelter today!!! He's a bull terrier mix that we're naming George. So far our other dog Ginger seems to like her new kid brother! It's been an eitingday here. :)

  2. * exciting day

    (Also an exhausting day. Off to bed for me...)

    1. Wonderful news. How old is he?

    2. About one year old. And a total sweetheart! There will be a blog post soon with plenty of pictures!

  3. Er... get it off before it dries!

  4. Lady M should make a blog and post paintings on it. What do you think Cro?

    1. Not bath paintings. Other, canvas paintings. You know, with oil colors and all.

      (I don't have much idea of art, painting, music or poetry etc., but I would love normal people to share more of it.)

  5. Cripes ! I thought you said she kept it all spotlessly clean. That's worse than me ! I'm not allowed near a paint brush or roller.... There's a method to my madness !!!!!

    1. Nor is she, normally! She only has to mention "I'm going to paint the xxx", and I'm there at once!

  6. I forgot to mention, above, that she did actually do a VERY good job! And it DID all clean-up OK.

    1. Acrylic usually comes off shiny surfaces like a dream.

  7. Cro - correct me if I am wrong but surely art college teaches painting pictures not walls - I think Lady M deserves a medal for this - hope she is getting something nice for Christmas as a thankyou.

  8. I hope it's water soluble.

  9. If Lady M had worn a shower cap she could have really been creative and thrown the paint around a bit.

  10. Been doing a bit of pre-Christmas sprucing in the bath room meself. I think Lady M has done very well and it all looks fantastic now its cleaned up a bit

  11. I think Lady M may have watered the paint down a little too much - or did she forget to wring the water out of the bath sponge - never mind, at least it saved you a job (or did it create more)

  12. Ah, so THAT'S what you mean by keeping the area spotlessly clean, huh? I had no idea. Turns out, I keep the area spotlessly clean, too. (Actually, the "area" stays quite clear of paint splotches, it is I who ends up smeared with paint.)

  13. My wife once did such a horrid job painting that I made her promise not to touch another paint brush and so now I do all the painting. She broke two vacuum cleaners before I told her not to touch them and I would do all the carpets……..Wait…..I see a pattern here????
