Wednesday 6 November 2013

Strictly Reality.


One really has to wonder what the next UK-TV 'reality' programme can possibly be.

'Strictly Come Hair-Combing' perhaps? Or maybe 'The Great British (insert country of choice) Brush Off'?

Personally I would like to see a show called 'Politicians/Celebs living on £20 a week', or even an 'Oxfam is my Tailor' show (this sounds VERY good; 'Oxfam' is a UK charity shop).

Come on British TV, give me a call; I'm a bottomless pit, when it comes to ideas!


  1. Those two ideas are really good Cro ..... get your name to them before someone nicks them, and you could be a 'meal yon aire' !! ..... Cro Cowell has a nice ring to it ! XXXX

  2. I like your ideas too... We call them
    op shops' here (short for opportunity shops). There's local hospices, Red Cross, and many others. Seems with the recession, they are a booming business!

  3. "Come crochet"? where the competitors would have to crochet to music, a different item every week, doilies, pot holders, hats...and crochet-offs where sloppy crocheters would be eliminated and sent home..

    oops, must be time for my medication....

  4. Our Toronto Mayor could have his own reality show....maybe called "Crackstituants". It could follow his antics smoking crack (on video) driving on the highway while reading his agenda, getting totally drunk at a street party, peeing in the bushes, and passing out advise on the best place to get drunk.....he's a disaster...the stuff reality shows is made of. You couldn;t make this stuff up.

    1. It would make an interesting show, come election time!

  5. Extreme Ironing is a world wide "sport" . Google it!
    I think that would be - um- interesting.

    1. It sounds soporific enough... it could be a hit.

  6. The money spent on costumes and make up for one week of Strictly Come Dancing would probably feed a family of five for a week.

    1. A lot more than a week; probably a year!!!!

  7. American reality shows are just horrid. If that is what reality is, I'm happy to stick my head in the sand.

  8. Did I mention that I don't know how to turn on this fancy TV? All the more reason not to learn.

  9. I don't watch tv anymore. I have seen a few shows on my computer or renting the DVD, but i'll be buggered if i'm going to pay for reception just so i can switch it off in disgust.

    Your ideas for tv shows sound good, Cro. Completely plausible.
