Thursday 28 November 2013

Happy Birthday Bok.

Our Border Collie X, 'Bok', is 3 years old today (28. 11. 2013).

He's had 3 homes. Firstly he lived in Bordeaux, where apartment-life became too restricting. Then he moved to a near-neighbour's house from where he struck-up a real friendship with Monty (and spent all his time chez nous). Then for obvious reasons he was given to us, and moved in full-time.

Bok is one of those dogs who just loves life. Everything he does demonstrates total enthusiasm, and his supply of energy is limitless. 

Of course he does have the odd bad habit. He insists on jumping-up on people when he greets them. From his point of view he's just being uber-friendly, but people find it disconcerting. Unfortunately he does the same with the post-lady's car, but she adores him anyway. I'm trying to stop him, but.... 

So, have a wonderful birthday, Bok. There'll be liver for lunch, then cakes, cards, and party games galore, and may we do it all again for many years to come.

Papa xx

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  1. Aw. Lovely. You soppy thing you. Bok looks very relaxed in the photo. Too many baby red sausages and party games?

  2. Dear, handsome Bok. Happy Birthday. Please give him a hug from me.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. MINUS FIVE C here this morning; the frost almost looks like snow!

  4. He is gorgeous, though looks more lab than collie. He is also looking very suspicious as to why you are taking a close up! Happy Birthday dear dog. Minus 5 eh…..and you are so much further south than here……it is plus 5 this morning. Positively warm.( Hertfordshire)

  5. Yes there is a bit of a Lab look there isn't there?
    Now, do you know how he came to be called Bok?

    1. I've no idea. I think it was originally 'Pok', but we misheard it as 'Bok'. Bok it is.

    2. I always thought my mother's dog's name was " Ducky" Everyone called him that. only a few years ago the penny dropped. His real name was " Darkie". My mother is French.

      Joyeux Anniversaire Bok!

  6. happy birthday lovely Bok! thanksgiving day today and I'm sure your family are very thankful to have you. Big cuddles from Aunty Kath x

  7. Happy Birthday Bok! Give him a pat from Michigan. We are visiting my folks (and their also jumpy border collie) on Thanksgiving day.

  8. Love his soulful eyes. Happy Birthday, Bok!

  9. Happy Birthday Bok - I love celebrating dog's birthdays - just another reason for a knees-up.

  10. A Happy Birthday to you Bok...may all your birthdays be spent with those who love you.

  11. aw happy birthday Bok! your a cutey

  12. Dogs are a blessing for us, humans.

    Look at these eyes!

    So so cute, how can one resist??? Please feed him! :-)

  13. Such a photogenic pup!

    Many happy returns of the day, Bok!
