Tuesday 12 November 2013

Hair Care.


Ad's on TV drive me nuts; but none more so than for bloody shampoo.

If you based your understanding of 'sociology' on brainless advertising, you'd imagine that the only people who ever washed their locks were long haired bimbos.

Men, it seems, are excluded from hairdo-hygiene. It is probably taken for granted that we simply take a cupful of sump-oil and rub it over our heads at Easter and Christmas, and that's it; unless, of course, one is either naturally bald or mechanically shaven.

Will we ever see a male orientated shampoo?

Bloke-o-Wash-for-Men; made with a delicate blend of nicotine and Guinness-oil for that matted, car-mechanic, look you've always dreamed of.... Sounds about right!


  1. Great, man shampoo is called shower gel or sometimes conditioner if I grab the wrong bottle in the shower.

  2. You are so right…..some of us women have short hair too ! ( and aren't " Bimbos" )

  3. I like reading the ingredients on women's cosmetic products - 'aqua' - not any old water, you understand.

    1. Hydric-transaqua H-Plus.

      The 'with' ingredients always make me larf.... who dreams them up, I wonder.

  4. Any time a man is in a shampoo commercial t's a dandruff shampoo.

  5. Maybe the advertisers just think men are beautiful enough as is...oh Lord I think I just swallowed my tongue.

  6. there is a german caffeine shampoo for thinning hair for men. I am sure of it. I think, maybe I am wrong and I am completely full of it. now I will shut up.

  7. Replies
    1. I remember Chrissie Shrimpton telling me EXACTLY the same thing; you're in good company!

  8. One problem the farmer never has is deciding what shampoo to use - he is bald.

  9. And no matter how expensive or "special" the shampoo may be, the ingredients are pretty much the same, and the directions, identical: "Wash, rinse, repeat." (WHY do we need directions for that?)
