Tuesday 1 October 2013

The Gloves are Off.

Lady Magnon recently bought herself some new, reasonably expensive, leather gardening gloves. The first time she wore them, she was surprised to find that her hands had turned bright yellow, making her look like a 50-a-day cigarette smoker. She wasn't happy.

So, the next time we were out, she purchased a second pair of, again, reasonably expensive gloves.

And guess what; her hands turned yellow again!

What's up with these bloody gardening glove manufacturers? Are they obsessed with turning ladies hands the colour of nicotine? Lady M found the colour quite difficult to remove.

I think we should be told!

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  1. If she gets some blue ones next, she might end up with " green fingers" ! Though....judging by your produce your fingers are green enough already.

  2. Indeed, the jaundice look has never really caught on! And it's so difficult to choose nail varnish that doesn't clash!

  3. If she buys a green pair next time, she could tell everyone she's a green-fingered gardener... sorry.

  4. Complain, complain, complain. I find it does get you somewhere. Or have maybe go to the trading standards place if you have one there?

  5. Colour leaching and thorns coming through my supposedly thorn proof gloves. Not on!

  6. Looking at said gloves I suppose yellow hands is marginally preferable to blue hands.

  7. They look exactly like mine. I just put on a pair of rubber surgical gloves before the leather.

  8. I had a pair that sent my hands blue - I could easily have passed for one of Boadicea's handmaidens. I doubt if the manufacturers actually try any gardening in them before they are sent out to the shops.
