Wednesday 23 October 2013

Self-Assembly Nincompoop.

OK; so who was the wise-guy who put the wheels on upside-down?

The saga of self-assembly continues. I thought I could do this with my eyes closed. It's only a matter of putting on the wheels (which I've done several times before), but when I turned it over.....

Larf? I nearly slashed my wrists!!!

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  1. Gosh with the fires and family worries etc this laugh was a blessing today.

    1. We have a good friend who lives in Yetholme (Blue Mountains), so we're keeping our fingers crossed that she'll be OK.

  2. Hilarious! (Did you laugh or cry?)

    1. Both. Luckily my silly mistake was soon rectified!

  3. It's an easy mistake to make.
    We assembled our shower cubicle with the panels upside down. It took us two years to work out that this was why it leaked.
    The problem was not as easily resolved as yours as undoing all the mastic, taking the damn thing apart and reassembling it proved to be too much of a battle so we put up with mopping the floor for a further two years then bought a new cabinet. Much simpler.

    1. 4 years of mopping does sound slightly annoying. I think your solution was the best.

  4. Well, that is one better than me Cro - iI would not have attempted it in the first place.

  5. That actually made me laugh, Cro - thanks. By the way, didn't I tell you what the word 'nincompoop' really meant in the 18th century? You're not THAT stupid, surely?

    1. Anyone who puts wheels on upside-down really is that stupid, despite giving us a good laugh.

  6. So frustrating.

  7. Thanks for taking a picture so we could all laugh at you... ;-)

  8. Apparently you did have your eyes closed. Would like to say that's never happened to me but that would be a lie.

  9. Now I cannot see what is wrong with that- Having decided where I want the bloody radiator I don't want people pushing it around.

  10. There's no fool like an old fool.

  11. This sounds like something i would do because i'm mechanically retarded. I make notes for myself, and for boat items, i label them as they come off the boat. If it's something that needs to be screwed into something else, i've got instructions on the back of the tag.

    For those wheels, i think i'd need to write "other side up" on the bottom, so i'd know they'd be pointing the right way.

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