Thursday 10 October 2013

Neighbours; doncha continue t' luv em?

We've done our best to hide the ghastly Orange Wall (in two years time it should be almost invisible).

We've paid (€40) to have the water meter and tap repaired (that HE smashed), but still no sign of the 'hand-on-heart-promised' replacement insulated cover (that HE also smashed).

We put up with the daily noise, the daily 'white van' invasion, and the daily sour-faced looks.

And now that winter approaches, every other day we have to put up with belching, industrial-scale, smoke filled air (above). Now, even HE seems to be concerned, as he's taken to wandering about after lighting-up, looking anxiously up at his chimney. My photo from Monday doesn't do it justice!

All that, and because I'm an 'anything for a quiet life' sort of bloke; I still say NOTHING.

Maybe one of these days I'll lose my rag and just go bleedin' bonkers; it's about time!

N.B. Monsieur Clever Cloggs has installed a HUGE ship-sized furnace in his cellar (to heat water), but connected it to the tiny flue of a bedroom fireplace in the room above. I wonder when he'll realise that the two just weren't meant for each other!

Wood smoke is Carbon Monoxide, and Carbon Monoxide is not only toxic but also highly combustive. I'm expecting explosions (there's already been ONE). CO has a Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) of 12.5%, and an Upper Explosive Limit (UEL) of 74.2%. Good Luck.
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  1. Maybe he'll blow the whole place up and you won't lhave to deal with hm anymore.

    1. That has crossed our minds; wouldn't it be awful!

  2. Good luck, who was brae enough to manufacture paint in that colour?
    He will probably end up gassing himself.

    1. It's not paint, just the cement rendering. Lovely isn't it! We also think he's built it on our land (by a foot or so).

  3. The cheek of neighbours and the bodging skills of the French - a scary combination.
    Would it be worth pointing out his mistake, just so you could feel very smug after the explosion ?!

    1. I did tell his wife about the small explosion I witnessed. It was immediately after they'd just had the chimney swept! It was quite a spectacle.

  4. Go to your Mairie and complain. our 'neighbours' did that about our noise - mowing the grass 'out of hours'. they sent us a letter!!
    maybe that would help. You don't need to speak to him either
    good luck

    1. Well, I have photographic evidence from several different occasions, so maybe I'll have a word with another neighbour who's a 'conseiller municipal'.

  5. Thank goodness my neighbours don't have fires like that. I suppose HE will complain when your plants start to cover his wall.

    Realised after phoning you that I should have skyped you - never mind - perhaps next time.

  6. Thank Goodness I don't have you for a neighbour.

  7. Also notice the window looking (presumably) onto your garden. Perhaps a nice big bush planted just in front of it?

    1. The 2 scrubby looking plants in front of it are Sumacs, so they should do the job! Why would someone put a window into a boundary wall anyway. Bizarre!

  8. I hope it's far enough away from your house not to cause any collateral damage when it goes up! Wondrous spectacle though that will be...

    1. We might get small bits of 'Parisian' falling on the roof, but they would be harmless.

  9. Wait until the wind is in the right direction, then send one of those lovely little Chinese lanterns over the house and through the smoke?

    1. They make very cheap radio-controlled helicopters these days.

  10. Turmeric colored cement? Bizarre.... Here hoping combustion will take down the wall! I suppose you'd have to have an expensive survey to prove he built the wall on your land?

    1. Unfortunately so, but probably worth it just to see him remove it!

  11. Orange looks good here among the palm trees but I have to confess it looks hideous in rural France!

  12. That is one horrible sight to have to look at every day.

    1. And the smoke's none too good for an asthmatic either! Double whammy.

  13. Good lord, and I thought WE had shitty neighbors! Are there no restrictions/laws you can appeal to? Sounds like a real public health hazard to me.

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