Monday 7 October 2013

It's been THAT time of year again....

                                  The Miliband boys: David with Ed (centre) and father Ralph

Thank goodness that the party political conference season has now finished back in the UK. All that good old back-stabbing and bitching can be put to bed for another year.

There's been a lot of conveniently timed character-assassination bandied about; mostly by the right wing press. But nothing surprises me, in fact at this time of year I never cease to be amazed by the sudden revelations about both the extreme left and the extreme right; minor scandals so easily encouraged by those journalists who are hoping to make trouble.

Marxist Ralph Miliband, above with sons 'Red' Ed (the crazy looking one) and David, has been an easy target, and the recent publicity about his well-documented hatred of England has suddenly become quite controversial. Goodness knows why, as it has always been common knowledge.

According to his own writings, he hated Eton and Harrow, Oxford and Cambridge, the great Clubs, the Times, the Church, the Army, and the respectable Sunday papers; in fact he hated anything that had a whiff of scholarship, and/or high standards. However, he was always quick to take full advantage of what he hated the most, and both his boys (as one might expect) attended Oxford University's prestigious Corpus Christi College. Frankly, what responsible parent would NOT encourage his children to attend such an institution, regardless of one's silly political persuasions?

However, I wouldn't be writing this had it not also been divulged that dear Marxist Ralph, prior to his demise, had 'allegedly' signed over the ownership of his valuable London property to his two sons, thus saving them a fortune in inheritance tax. Personally I find this A VERY SENSIBLE THING TO DO (in fact I wish my own 'Conservative' father had done something similar), but if one is a hard-n-fast Commie, it does rather reek of two-faced tax-evasion and hypocrisy; almost a hanging offence in his Marxist manifesto.

Ralph's son 'Red' Ed (the crazy looking one) has gone on to become leader of the Labour Party, and his brother David (who was also a Labour MP) recently left the UK parliament to become President of the International Rescue Committee in New York, on a basic salary of just $500,000 (how DOES he manage!). He's now living off the generous donations of the man-in-the-street (who probably imagined the money going to certain 'good causes'). I wonder what his eventual severance payment will be?

One really has to wonder which particular example of Marxism 'Daddy' instructed his boys to follow; North Korea, crazy Cuba, or maybe good old Soviet Russia. One suspects he, himself, might actually have preferred The People's Republic of Sloane Square. Most of us certainly would!

Hypocrisy is alive and well in all UK political parties, and in most newspapers; we just enjoy it the most when it arrives in single file.


  1. I have been doing my best to avoid politics.
    I suspect you are being a little too critical of David Milliband. It is not easy to be treated seriously when one is being driven about in a candy pink car.

    1. I'm not sure why Ed didn't defend his Dad, rather than attacking The Daily Mail.

  2. Reading about hypocrisy in your politics made me kind of relieved. Because it feels normal now. Not acceptable, but normal.

  3. No change there then Cro ? ..... UK Politics goes on in it's normal hypocritical way !!!! I have been disillusioned and cynical for years !
    Now, back to more important things ..... what's for lunch today in the Magnon house ?!! XXXX

    1. Compost Soup, and salad. We eat much the same EVERY lunchtime!

  4. As much as I detest the hypocrisy of the Milliband brothers, I think that a lot of people professed to be 'Marxist' in those days, and even Karl himself had servants in fashionable London when he resided there. Milliband senior's vitriol was most likely against the 'establishment' rather than the country itself, and avoiding inheritance tax could be seen as a fight against the system - which might explain why many staunch Conservatives make so little effort to avoid it. Either that, or A: They are plain lazy, or B: They hate their children, and never had much to do with their upbringing, leaving it all to nannies...

    1. As I said above, I thoroughly approve of his having encouraged his boys to go to a top university, and I also approve of his saving them inheritance tax. It's rather surprising why Ed made so much fuss about it all.

      I think Daddy just hated what he saw as 'upper class' institutions.

    2. Ed didn't make the fuss, the Daily Mail did. Personally, I don't think the freaky little bastard made enough fuss, but who am I to judge?

  5. Having found that some of the Mail's (selective) quotes were from a 16 year old's diary, and reading further that RM was against injustice, prejustice and inequality, I'm wondering more about the paper's intentions .
    Never mind about the truth.....

    1. When did the truth ever matter to either a politician or a hack?

    2. agreed..."Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics"..Disraeli

  6. I personally think that the party conferences should be totally banned Cro. They consist of a lot of (usually) men, showing off, talking about what they are going to do (and which they rarely if ever do) and making extravagant claims they have no intention of fulfilling. I switch off when they come on TV

  7. Between you and Tom I've had no fun reading blog tonight, instead just increasing my knowledge base. Not a problem really. US politics are such a bore. We're closed right now you know. I can't really tell any difference from when the government was "open". Same manner of getting nothing done at all, just a different day
