Monday 21 October 2013

In the Dog-House.

The dog pen was specifically designed to be used in good weather, when the boys would rather be left outdoors than in.

It's only really used if we both have to go out together, or if some event is taking place which involves strangers being around (in today's case, hunters and gun dogs).

They definitely like being in there; I think they see it as their own private house and garden. I only have to shout the word 'Kennel', and they rush in and make themselves comfortable.

Sometimes they settle down together in their 'Caribbean style cottage', but yesterday only Monty was in residence. Bok was flat-out on the 'lawn', recovering from a very long, hot, walk through the woods.

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  1. It looks as though one of the dogs usually lies underneath the dog kennel (and a very fine one it is too).

  2. So a roof for shade and off the ground for the damp weather about a mattress????

    1. We've tried various forms of 'mattress', but they all get kicked out.

  3. Monty sure looks content. That is a good idea building the dog house on posts. I'm sort of filing away things people say about their dogs and do for them as I'm seriously considering getting one or two in the future.

  4. Monty ..... Lord of the Manor ..... he's really at home in there. Monty looks so kind and soppy Cro. Is that his character or is he lulling me into a false sense of security ? XXXX

  5. Doggies summer pavilion. Very stylish.

  6. What strikes me most forcibly about that photograph Cro, is that the sun is actually shining. I can see why you chose to live where you do.

    1. And the sun is shining at this very minute too.

  7. What a lovely warm spot to do a bit of sunbathing - move over Monty - it is chucking it down here.

  8. A beautiful house, but were is the large velvet cushion with gold tassels??!! ;)

  9. He looks like he is enjoying that ray of sunshine.

  10. He looks rather royal sitting there

  11. what is the white stuff at the bottom?
