Thursday 17 October 2013

I thought I'd Seen Everything!

There's no school for children in France on Wednesdays, so why not take them for a bike ride instead.

This is our lovely new-ish neighbour, Corrine, taking two of her three children off for a bit of exercise.

But, hang-on; what's that white thing behind them?

Lord-luvva-duck; it's the family's pet goose going for a walk as well. 

I've seen all sorts of animals going for walks, but NEVER a goose.

It takes all sorts!

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  1. Goosey goosey gander going for a wander...

  2. It looks almost as big as the child! Hmm, I wonder is there such a thing as a guard goose? If so, I'm off to the goosery.

    1. They make wonderful guardians; even attacking their owners on occasions (as ours did).

  3. Not very clear picture, I'm afraid. She was about 2 hundred metres away, and I used my camera's 'close-up' setting. But you get the idea!

  4. Wonder if it's happily following or anxiously hoping for their return. One of our cats follows yowling when we go out, piteously fearful, it seems, that we might never come back.

    1. They certainly weren't encouraging it. It just seemed to tag along.

      Our cat used to come for walks with us, but after about 300 metres it would start to moan, and want to go home.

  5. Geese used to walk long distances to market and they used to tar their feet for the journey didn't they? Hope this goose didn't have its feet tarred. Glad it is so friendly. I had to get rid of my two as they became so aggressive.

  6. Geese make for outstanding guard dogs. It was a recognition of this attribute that saved mine from the other outstanding thing they make, a good Christmas roast!

    So kids do not attend school on a Wednesday in France? I think that is a great idea. Wednesday afternoons in the British Army were always Sports Afternoons.

  7. Makes for a cute picture though doesn't it?

  8. That's so sweet! :)

    I think about your neighbors horses occasionally, I do hope they're doing okay.

    1. They do have water at the moment; she's taken note at last!

  9. There's a goose, loose, aboot this hoose

  10. I didn't realise France kept up its custom of no school on Wednesdays. When we sang "Sacre Charlemagne" there was a line, "Cars sans lui dans notre vie, il n'est que des jeudis." Apparently at the time the song was composed, Thursday was the no-school day.

    Your photo would make a lovely painting.

  11. That's adorable! Now I want a goose! (a real goose, never mind that pinch on my derriere...)

  12. Hi Cro, I wonder if that is what people thought of Bob and I this morning taking Billy and Molly for their walk and Bob with George our cockatoo on his shoulder,what is normal to us is probably strange to others lol.

  13. I once worked at a large orchid collectors greenhouse in England who kept geese as alarms. they had complete freedom in the greenhouses and I was quite taken with them.
