Sunday 13 October 2013

Copious Precipitation.


It's been bloody pouring here all day, and with two large dogs in the house someone just HAS to go out in it.

I quite like looking at rain, and I certainly like hearing rain, but getting wet in it has never held any appeal.

Today was the day for a tiny nearby village's annual 'Chestnut Fair', but I imagine it was a washout; WE certainly didn't go. I always feel sorry for the organisers of such events; as, after all their hard work, no-one turns up.

So, what to do on such days as these? Well I suggest that tradition has the answer. Comfy slippers, blazing fire, dogs curled up by the hearth, the sweet smell of teatime Welsh Cakes emanating from the kitchen, maybe a snooze amongst the sofa's deep down-filled cushions, that'll do for a start.

And it's no use you two whimpering like that, WE'RE NOT GOING OUT!

Oh, all right then; but if I get pneumonia......


  1. Small dogs are little better. There don't seem to be affected by the weather unless it's snow then they play in it for hours.

  2. I think you have passed your rain on to us here in Hertfordshire.....horrid grey wet morning! It was lovely yesterday ( Sat) The pup has sensibly gone back to bed after his breakfast so I don't feel too bad about not going for a walk.

    1. We Skyped our son in Bishop Stortford yesterday, and were quite surprised to see it dry. No rain here today, thank goodness.

  3. Yup, lovely day in Hertfordshire yesterday (Hi Frances!). Have just got back from our walk this morning with a very soggy doggy. She then does a zooooomie all around the house to get dry, ricochetting off the back of the's very funny to watch.

  4. Our two are made to lie (with difficulty) on old blankets. As above!

  5. There is what can only be described as an accusing look in that golden dogs eye!

  6. The whole weekend has been a washout here - this is the side of autumn that I'm not terribly fond of - and am thankful that I don't have any dogs to walk.

  7. You need one of those metal stakes and a long long long leash. You can hook them up from inside the door and send them out to do their business. No need to get wet.

    1. I proposed this when Monty was young, and received a very swift NO. I thought it was a good idea!

    2. So, I'm assuming then that the person who said NO to the good idea is now the one taking them out in the rain??????

    3. Luckily I have a totally impervious all-in-one raincoat/hood.

  8. Just in from a whole day in the rain myself looking forward to a nice cup of tea in front of the fire.

  9. Persistently precipitating down here today too. Have sought solace in the shed!

  10. We've got sun here today. I'm just going now to get the wash off the line and remake the bed with line-dried sheets.

  11. HA! You're a real pushover for those dogs, aren't you?

    The weather here has been glorious. Still a little too warm for this time of year, but plenty of sunshine and clear skies. Good thing, too. There was a big fancy outdoor wedding performed in our local park yesterday, and I don't reckon they would've postponed in the case of rain.
