Thursday 12 September 2013

Winter Supplies.

Oooh Aaah, I suppose that all of us-ere bucolic types be puttin' away vittles for yon wintertide.

Very rarely am I not busy, but this time of year finds me at my busiest. We now have a steady supply of vegs, and as always I'm preserving the very best for winter stews, tagines, curries, etc.

This lot above, as you can see, was courgettes in tomato sauce.... probably the most regularly useful of all my preserves.

And here's the finished job, all neatly put away in the store cupboard (in the background are my previously bottled aubergines in tomato sauce).
Unbelievably, my courgette supply is now slowing (having dumped so many this year), so I shall probably be bottling just tomatoes from now on.

Hugh F-W would be proud of me!

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  1. Looking good - I have just been given 11 tomatoe seedlings - don't know the varieties but the plants look good - not sure where I will find the space for them

    1. Ours have just gone bonkers. I can see a lot of them ending on the compost. It's been a strange year at Haddock's.

  2. I had quite few this year, so decided to roast them with oil and garlic, then freeze them. I layered them in plastic pots, so I should just be able to take a layer. They are wonderful with meats or fish in the winter.
    On John's blog you said you have to wait for repeats for BBC. I have something called iportal, costs £50 a year and allows you to watch all the channels on their internet links - iplayer, itvplayer etc. Brilliant if your internet connection is good enough
    google it.

    1. I'll certainly give that a go with the toms. Sounds ideal; thanks.

      I shall look into iportal, although the reason why I tend to miss TV stuff is because I just don't have the time. Sundays, however, are OK. Thanks again.

    2. That's why this is so good, you can watche whenever you want, sometimes a couple of months later!

  3. I am led to understand that Tomatoes raise the blood sugar and considering that your blog yesterday was about diabetes 2.
    Of course it's your are responsible for what you eat not your Doctor.

    1. And thank goodness for that, because she's a veggie!

  4. That looks delicious Cro ..... I just wish that I was your neighbour so that you could leave a jar on my doorstep !!!! XXXX

  5. Indeed he would, it all looks very appetising.

  6. Well done!! It was our goal to can more and yet it ended up just another thing we did but get to this summer. But one day....What is that canning lid you have employed? Love its looks

    1. I use Le Parfait jars, with the thin metal capsules. They are quite expensive, but almost foolproof. I sterilise for just 45 mins.

  7. Replies
    1. There is no recipe really, it's just toms, courgettes, salt-n-pepper. I cook them down first, then bottle and sterilise.

  8. He certainly would. They look delicious.

  9. That's just what I've been doing too - I love the way the flavours develop whilst in the jar. Although last year the stocks got used up pretty quickly and did not last the winter.

  10. I give away more than half of what I grow but I wish I had the ambition you have to preserve some veggies for winter. There are a few things I make and freeze, with the emphasis on "few". You have my admiration, Cro.
