Saturday 21 September 2013

Wassail Update.


You may remember that on Jan 6th of this year, as is practised in the countryside, Lady Magnon and I went a-Wassailing. We beat the selected tree, anointed her roots with cider, and placed cider dipped toast in her branches. All this to ensure a good harvest later in the year.

And this is the result. The Granny Smith, which was this year's chosen tree, is overflowing with good quality, and non-wormy fruit.

Granny Smiths (ours are slightly tinged with red) are a good late ripening apple that keep well. A wise addition to any orchard.

Our Wassailing worked. Some sceptics might say that it's just superstition, but here's the proof; the apples are usually just worm-riddled horse fodder!

Thank goodness we didn't anoint the Bramley, or by now we'd be above knee deep in apples.


  1. Come January 6th next year get lady Magnon to give you the Wassailing treatment. Trouble is, you'll have to stand out all night looking for all the world like a French Worzel Gummidge. With a bit of luck your plums will be worm-free and your diabetes will have magically disappeared... just a thought...


    1. If only it were thus. Lady M is now holed-up in bed with a badly sprained ankle. Next door's (very big) puppy mowed her down!

  2. This is an bvious case of taking too many drugs in the quiet of the countryside

  3. Replies
    1. No, we (Lady M) makes Blackberry and apple crumbles... Heaven on earth!

  4. OOh-Ahh the old cider customs never fail my lovely.
    I love that titfer! is that your official wassailing hat?
    Poor Lady M, get well soon!

    1. It's as 'official' as it gets!

      She's now hobbling; poor old thing. The exuberant puppy is no longer Mr Favourite!

  5. All I could think was cranberry applesauce. Mmm.

  6. Ooooh! Now I want to go wassailing! I had no idea it was a tradition to boost the coming harvest... ya learn something every day. I guess you're going to be wassailing at all your trees this year! I know I would!

  7. She's done you proud, in fact they both have.

  8. We shall be joining in on that tradition this January, thanks for the update. Get well soon Lady M.
