Monday 23 September 2013


I've posted these two pictures on previous occasions, but....

                            strange as it may seem, I've never before seen them together.

After I did the little sketch, above, I returned to the site and painted the job itself (below). I must even have sat in pretty much the same spot.


I think the finished job was probably the more accurate, topographically, of the two; and no doubt I took a little more time over it.

I took the dogs up there yesterday and sat looking at the scene as it now exists only in my drawings. The vines have all gone, but the rest is much the same. The little house is still there too, and that's where I'm now sitting and writing this.


  1. Cro, Wow ~ thank you for sharing your artwork (as a relatively new follower)

  2. Very nice, but could you do one with a scantily-clad Hawaiian beauty in it next time?

  3. It's fascinating to be able to see how things change and don't change. You've got style, Cro!

  4. Did you do these before you bought your house?

    1. I think they were done in 1975. I 'acquired' this little house around then, but I think we must have been still living at our first 'proper' house.

  5. I've just been for a swim. The water was 22 C; I think it will be my final swim of 2013.... brrrrr.

  6. Strange what we see individually isn't it? please don't take this the wrong way Cro but somehow the foreground made me think not of vines but of trenches and warfare.....

  7. I am imagining you sitting there, typing out your post in this beautiful spot.

    1. Tara, I don't seem able to simply 'follow' your page any more. It asks me to follow by Email, which sounds as if my Email address will be bandied about. I shall have to follow you by other means.

  8. I am looking at the colour of the soil and thinking that it could certainly not be anywhere in this country Cro.
