Wednesday 18 September 2013

Nose Bag Special.

So.....I've known for some years that I'm Type 2 Diabetic. Originally I was given some pills to swallow, but I decided to abandon these, in an attempt to control my problem with diet alone. 

I have recently had a thorough blood test, and although it confirmed that my diabetes does require treatment, the rest of me seems roughly OK. I now have just one more pill to take (twice a day).

However, I'm still convinced that paying quite strict attention to ones diet can have a huge effect on diabetes, and this doesn't mean eating nothing but bland zero-calorie yuk.

Some time back I considered following Prof Roy Taylor's 600 calorie, 3 month diet, but was warned that this could be dangerous. Instead I now intend to follow Dr Michael Mosely's 'The Fast Diet', where one eats 'sensibly' for 5 days a week, and reserves 2 non-consecutive days for fasting; 500 calories for women, and 600 for men.

I'm sure that Lady Magnon won't mind me saying that both she and I could happily lose a few pounds, and the diet is basically for this purpose. However, I'm assured that the fasting can have a beneficial effect on diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol; even if it's followed for just 2 days a week.

So, my beloved Charcuterie is banned for the moment, as is cheese, bread, and just about anything that contains sugar. My breakfast now consists of Rolled Oats with milk, instead of fried eggs, bacon, and black pudding. Lunch will be pretty much as before; usually a vegetable soup. And dinner 'much more sensible'.

Will it help? Maybe; I'll let you know when I have my next blood test in 3 months time (just right to stop me enjoying Christmas).

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  1. A friend of ours in his 60's has been following the 5:2 diet and it's really worked for him { and, instead of wine, he drinks Champagne as it's lower in calories, which sounds alright to me !! } ..... it seems good because you really don't deprive yourself..... you just have to make sure that you don't go mad on the '5' days !!
    Best of luck Cro and to Lady Magnon.
    How's your willpower ? XXXX

    1. My willpower is OK thanks J. About 15 years ago I gave up smoking in one day!

      That's encouraging about the diet. When my father was diagnosed with diabetes he was told the same about drinking champagne... and he DID. Unfortunately he also drank rather a lot of Scotch. However I do rather enjoy my vin rouge, and I'm limiting myself.

  2. Sounds like a good idea to me - although I do have a sweet tooth I'm afraid. Maybe I'll join you - it can't be that hard - can it?

  3. We tried the diet for a year, from the first airing of the programme back in August 2012. Ted lost weight, and his six monthly blood test results improved. Me a hopeless case: a dieter all my life, my weight stayed the same, added to which I tended to think I could relax on the other five days! I'm seriously fed up with this constant round of dieting, the two stone I lost a couple of years ago is creeping back, I'm now halfway there! My advice to people with young children is to never mention the ghastly word, let alone set them off down the path signposted... Diet.

    With the worry of diabetes hanging over you and the thought of the consequences of injections and all the other awful knock-on effects...
    give it your best shot. Not forgetting of course Cro, that you can have the things you love and let's face it you will enjoy them so much better by only having them occasionally. Just wish I could practice what I preach. Happy Days!


    1. That's certainly the best way to look at it; good things, but not too often.

  4. The worst thing about this is that you are going to have to blog about something completely different up until Christmas. What will it be, unless you do the old anorexic thing about feeding up others whilst starving yourself?

    1. That's TWICE in one day that the 'C' word has been used, and we're still not past Halloween.

      I'll bore you with something.

  5. Glad to here you are taking care of yourself. I will be curious to find out what you spend your 600 calories on!

    1. I've ordered the books, so I shall be curious too!

  6. I'm glad you are taking your diabetes seriously. Only 30% of diabetics have trouble with their eyes and of those a lot suffer serious visual loss, almost entirely due to poorly controlled diabetes.
    The 70% who retain normal sight are those where the diabetes is well controlled.
    It is worth the effort, the medics do have a point, even if it sometimes only seems like box-ticking or backside covering.

    I like the sound of this diet. Eating reasonably normally for 5 days and cutting down for 2 days seems a lot easier than changing what you eat altogether or counting the calories.

  7. Finding the right diet that will work for you is the key. You have to think of it as a diet for life in all ways.

    I wish you luck, Cro. If you had the strength to give up smoking in one day, you can do this.

  8. Good luck, Cro. My understanding about diabetes, and I have found this to be true, is that not eating regularly lowers the blood sugars in a way that is not particularly good for a diabetic. I always know when I need to eat something because I have a tendency to be 'out of sorts'.

  9. YOU friend are in my thoughts and prayers (doesn't matter if you believe or not since I do) May this diet bode well for you, may your charcuterie days go by quickly, may Tom get off your arse...

    1. I've just thought; I shall have to change my 'about me' profile.

  10. I've heard really positive things about the fasting thing too and at least you get to nosh on the other days. It's really interesting reading people's comments about diabetes and the lack of information regarding the two different conditions and mixing up of the facts. There really is NO problem with you fasting whereas I, with type 1 would have a serious issue. Anyway - you're doing the right thing and I'll look forward to hearing your innovative oaty apple recipes, sans lard.

  11. Getting old sucks!!! Feeling a bit snarky today. ;)

  12. I am back on weightwatchers
    It seems to be working

  13. Thoroughly recommend the 5:2 after years of yo-yoing... I've lost a stone so far and feel so much better generally. Tons to go but it's such an easy way of eating. Good luck!

  14. Hi mom (you may remember) was diagnosed 3 weeks ago. She saw the dr yesterday and he said she's doing great! Lost 11 pounds so far and has been super strict with her diet. She's still scared and overwhelmed, but the great checkup yesterday seemed to give her spirits a lift.

    I hope your next checkup goes great and you can still regale us with food pictures sometimes once the holidays arrive! I love your food posts!

    1. I'm pleased to hear that your Mum is feeling a bit better about her condition. These things come as a shock. And well done her for the dieting.
