Thursday 22 August 2013

New Pots for Crimbo.

I am reliably informed that if one plants a 'chitted' potato in a pot in September (it's almost September), one will have a crop of new potatoes for Christmas.

Well I had just one sprouting potato sitting, looking lost, in the kitchen, so decided to give it a go. I filled a largish pot with compost and stuck it in. One week later and, voila, it's already sprouted tiny leaves.

There's no reason why we now shouldn't have new potatoes with our cold Turkey; I'll let you know around December 25th. 
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  1. Maybe you can post some pictures intermittently as well so we can see how it is progressing. If I ever get a big dog I'm going to try that too.

    1. We have TWO big dogs, but even so I do tend to use the watering-can!

  2. Replies
    1. Pah-tatoes to you too. I've never eaten new pots for Christmas... so who knows; they could even be roasted.

  3. Out, out, damned mention of Christmas! I censure thee and bid thou chastise thyself with flailing rods and ashes.

    p.s. I love spuds of all varieties.

  4. I wish you luck, I tried last year & they were struck down by blight. God loves a tryer so they say so I will have a rummage around the potato draw to see what I have sprouting. Failing that a trip to the garden centre will be in order.

  5. before I enlarged the photo, it looked exactly like one of my lentil and aubergine concoctions, complete with a sprig or coriander!

  6. How many potatoes do you expect to get from one plant?

    1. Grown in light compost like this, I should think a minimum of 3 Kilos. The pot is quite big.

  7. Looks promising! I overwintered two pepper plants. They each gave me one pepper, but i didn't have a lot of compost in the pot, mostly potting soil.

    New potatoes at Christmas dinner sounds wonderful.
