Tuesday 27 August 2013

Life's occasional blips.

I must thank my dear friend Sue in Jo'burg for this photo.

As soon as I saw the above, it rang some strange bells in my brain. For some bizarre reason it made me think of someone I really wanted to PUNCH a few years ago; but, wisely resisted, avoiding a what could have been a complicated situation.

I have always been an 'anything for a quiet life' sort of bloke. I avoid confrontation at all costs.

This not to say that I haven't had my moments. I think I've 'downed' just two people in the last 50 years; both were idiot motorists! I'm quite a big lad; 6 ft 2 ins, and 16 stone, so I'm not to be messed with. Just two on-target punches in 50 years makes me, I reckon, something of a pacifist.

Generally I turn the other cheek, and hope that any adversary is wise enough to do likewise. But the best is always to avoid pugnacious situations..... maybe that's why I now live miles from urban sprawl.

Of course I've also been on the receiving end of violence. Back in the 60's I was taken unawares by two drunken Irishmen, just a few yards from my Bayswater bed-sit. They asked the time, and BANG; I was on the floor having my head kicked-in... they stole my watch, my wallet, and much of my rugby-player's pride.

Whilst playing Rugby one always played against teams of just plain THUGS, who's only intention (other than winning) was to cause as much physical damage as possible; and they did. But in those situations one always had the opportunity of returning the favour a few minutes later; and we did.

There are also times when I've really regretted NOT 'downing' someone, but instinct has always intervened when I've spotted that oikish 'I'll run and tell the cops' look on their face (para 2). I've never fancied seeing the inside of a prison, so certain people have got away with a lot.

I'm not proud of my rare hot-headedness, but nor am I ashamed of it. It's rather like that fallen branch in the photo; something probably best avoided. But in life one sometimes encounters folk who ask to be punched, who need to be punched, or occasionally just have to be punched.


  1. Not being a puncher at all, I'll be resting well tonight, knowing that you've taken care those who just need to be punched. Thank you, Cro.

    1. I probably shouldn't have posted the above... people might think I'm a nut-case. Gagagagaga.

  2. My reaction to your last sentence in the blog was, very true!
    I followed your thought process about the fallen tree and the painted line around it as well. That said, it was a nice leap that I doubt I would have made.
    I guess my reaction would have been, "workers nowadays *sigh* too lazy to move a limb off the road."

    1. I'm sure that was the original intention of the photo... For some strange reason I saw things differently.

  3. I haven't hit anyone since I left school, and I've always been pretty good at avoiding being hit. These days, my obvious age saves me from quite a bit, but the unfortunate side-effect of that is that I am now seen as 'safe' by young women, as well as men...

    1. Young thugs also see 'older' people as easy targets... I'm afraid the proof is there for all to see.

  4. It does occur to me Cro what a different life women lead from that of men on the whole.

    1. I think that men are programmed to be slightly aggressive... probably something to do with defending women and children. These days it's a matter of understanding that that aggression is mostly redundant, and using it only when all else has failed!

  5. I recall bringing a Bath chappie to his knees with one blow in the seventies.

  6. I totally agree with your last statement, but no, I would never punch a person. I have to admit though, that I have thought of how satisfying that might be.

    1. The one thing that no-one ever mentions about punching someone, is that it bloody hurts. It's rather like punching a concrete wall. So, satisfying yes, but painful too!

  7. I probably shouldn't say this but I have punched someone, a male for grabbing me from behind and touching me very inappropriately. My husband and I drove truck years ago and husband dropped me off at a cafe while he parked the semi. I came in the door and was looking for a place to sit and a man came up from behind and thought he would have fun since he seen me step off of a truck, his mistake was I had a large handful of truck and trailer padlock keys on a large ring and I immediately whirled around on him and planted the keyring in his mouth and laid him out on the floor and knocked out two teeth. I was terrified that I would be in jail but the only thing that happened was everyone laughed and told him to quit touching women like that. My husband came in and everyone told him I decked the guy and he proceeded to finish the job outside. Needless to say, we never got lunch.

    1. Denim, it's probably a subject that none of us should talk about, but things happen in an instant, usually as a natural reaction to another person's lack of forethought. I think you did the right thing; I'm certain it cured his stupidity!

  8. The photo is now on my computer desktop at work, and many have commented on it. We might have to make a flag! Thanks for the chuckle.
