Thursday 29 August 2013


No, it's not a visiting Great Dane, it's Monty having spent the night on Lady Magnon's sofa.

The poor boy has been having back leg problems recently (early hip dysplasia?), so Lady M has been pampering him even more than usual. Tasty bits of steak from her plate, extra treats when she thinks I'm not looking, and forbidden nights spent on her comfy sofa.

He is, of course, her 'baby', so he's having masses of special attention heaped upon him.

Swimming in the lake every day (it's supposed to be good for him), giant Cod liver oil pills (they're supposed to be good for him), and plenty of time spent snoozing on her sofa (she thinks that's definitely good for him).

Oh, and I forgot to mention; Bok sleeps most nights on MY sofa too! Naughty boy.

Whoever coined the phrase 'rules are meant to be broken' was an idiot (and 100% correct).

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  1. They look completely content. Doug has been massaging Sophie's sore leg. Hopefully, we will be able to start walking her again soon - when this horrible weather stops. It has switched between heavy cold showers and reasonably warm sunshine all day.

  2. I'm not sure if it was Adrian or one of his commenters who said it is hard being an idiot. It takes a lifetime of practice. At any rate I thought at the time it was wise words and you have confirmed that.

    The doggies look like they are highly appreciative of the attention and treatment. Here's hoping all the best for both of them.

  3. Georgous.....they look like very happy boys. Doing my best to lay down ground rules for my 11 week old schnauzer pup. i.e. I am eating my breakfast and he has to wait !

    1. Give-up now! They have their own rules.

    2. it's his big day today...allowed to go out on his own 2 feet rather than carried!

  4. they are adorable. Is that Bok's teddie or yours? :-D

    1. That's our 'house bear', also named Monty.

  5. If these two mutts are anything like my terrier, Tess, they are quite capable of emphasising any slight disability in order to get attention and special treats.
    Tess would kill for either tinned tuna or roast ham. At present i have to get a tablet down her throat once a day. I have tried inserting it carefully into a piece of ham, or opening a tin of tuna specially and inserting it into the middle of a chunk. Both are eaten with gusto and when I look the tablet (no bigger than a saccharin) is lying on the carpet. We are fools with our animals - but isn't that what they are for - so that we can indulge ourselves?

    1. That's the one good thing about Labradors. You toss the pill in the air, shout CATCH, and hey presto!

  6. They are great companions and deserve to be lovingly cared for. We miss our two terribly.

  7. Metacam is a wonder drug for old dogs with sore hips.

    I had an old foster dog who could barely move. 2 days on Metacam and he was moving like a young chap.

    1. Monty's not even 3 yet. It seems very young to have hip trouble. I'll mention Metacam to the boss!

  8. Mr. M,
    Metacam works very well for my older dog. She has hip problems and she is 9. But it helps greatly.
    You do have to do blood work periodically to check the liver function, as it is an anti-inflammatory, but it is like Ramataz says, it is a wonder drug for older dogs.
    Have a wonderful up coming weekend to all of you.

    1. Thanks for that, Denim. We may have to visit the vet' in the near future. For the moment he seems to suffer mostly in the early mornings. If it becomes a day long problem we'll start to worry.

  9. Lucky dogs to have two such great friends.

  10. Funny thing - I tried to comment this morning but the comment box had disappeared! Anyhoo, sorry to hear old Monty's got problems - hope it's not permanent.

  11. Awwww...they look so content, as it should be. :)
    We have 2 cushy dog beds that are rarely used. Our 4 much prefer the sofa, easy chair and coffee table. Rules? Forget about it!
    Hope Monty is feeling better soon.

  12. We have read the rules of the house frequently to our three but they just turn a deaf ear and enjoy their snooze.
