Saturday 3 August 2013

Bon Voyage.

Lady Magnon, Kimbo, Harvey J, and Ollie, have all just popped down to Barcelona; about a 5 hrs drive.

My daughter, Tenpin (with two boys and husband), is coming over from Queensland Oz. She's flying direct to Barcelona where they will all meet-up at some fancy hotel for a few days, before returning next week.

Meanwhile Cro (just call me Cinderella) remains in France, twiddles his fingers, cares for the animals, and engages in a crash, 5 day, Atkins diet.

I love Summer; it's carefree and daft. Some people just HAVE to visit The Eiffel Tower, or Trafalgar Square, or even Gaudi's Sagrada Familia. Not so with Cro, I'm very happy being by myself for a while and bunging a few big steaks on the BBQ.


  1. I am sure the cousins will have a wonderful time as well as the siblings. Is Wills going to be there also

  2. I can understand you wanting to stay home at this time of year. Loads of tourists where they are going and you can pay a visit when they all go home in the Autumn.
    You are so lucky to be so close to all these wonderful things. Is Oradour-sur-Glane anywhere near you? It's on my list of places to see and we haven't been to the SW regions of France yet.

    1. Oradour is a little to the North of us, about 100 Ks away. A remarkable place to visit.

  3. The steaks sound good. The Atkins diet or any diet, not so good. If I had to choose one it would be Atkins though, I don't do well without lots of protein.

  4. I would have thought the boys would rather have stayed chez vous. Pool, pirate ship, Monty,Bok and Grumps! No contest (but then I'm not keen on cities).

    1. Nor am I Sue, but I have to make it sound as if I'm being a martyr.

  5. Yep me too. I'd rather stay at home and nibble on my Tofu :-D

  6. How strange... my daughter and her friend caught the 8.23 from Narbonne Barcelona, for a long weekend and last night at a concert in Caunes we met up with our Dutch neighbours....whose 2 sons had travelled to .....Barcelona yesterday, for a foot ball match. It seems its the place to be. J.

  7. I would disguise my horror at the thought of a five hour drive as a bit of martyrdom too!

  8. Traveling, visiting, and excitement is all well and good, but sometimes, there's nothing better than a little solitude... and a good steak. The wine, of course, is a given.

  9. A little oasis of solitude for you before resuming your summer hijinks....sounds nice! Enjoy!

  10. I've just spoken to them by Skype. There was a total road block after Toulouse, and the trip down eventually took them nearly 8 hrs!!!!! No Thanks.

  11. That sounds like absolute bliss to me! Safe trips to them all x

  12. Hope they have a great time but I'd rather stay at home than even drive ten miles down the road. I try and disguise it and feign enthusiasm for trips away but am doing so less and less with age!

  13. Home sweet home...nothing better!

  14. Will you get to see your little Aussies Cro?, hope so....

  15. I bet you are looking forward to everyone returning though - enjoy the peace whilst it lasts.
