Saturday 17 August 2013

As Warm as Soggy Toast.

If you can be bothered to enlarge this photo, squint a bit, and use a magnifying glass, you will see that the temperature shows just slightly above 28C.

When we opened the pool just before the beginning of June (and found pure green sludge), the water registered 21C. Almost at once the outdoor temperature rose, and we had a long spell of above average warmth. It wasn't long before the green slime was banished, and the pool temperature rose enough to allow swimming.

This year's long hot summer seems to have been universal, and the water has remained at around 28C almost since our first dip. We do have a 'Solar Cover' which not only preserves the water's temperature over night, but can actually increase the temperature if left on during the day. It certainly seems to have done it's job this year. My neighbour's larger, but permanently uncovered pool, has been at a miserable 21C for weeks; brrrrr.

One of my insistences when swimming is that I exit in warm sunshine. If the water temperature is perfect but there is a cloudy sky, I remain a landlubber. However, if it is hot outside I will even suffer lower water temperatures than I usually otherwise demand.

We've had a really wonderful swimming year so far; one of the best ever.... long may it last.

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  1. We have had two very hot periods here, but most of summer has been perfect. My tomatoes are proof of that.

    1. Still no tomatoes here.... maybe next week!

  2. That water certainly looks inviting Cro. That pool could easily be anywhere in Far North Queensland.

    1. When my Queensland based daughter was here recently she kept saying it was too cold. I wonder what temperature her own pool reaches?

  3. Feels like winter again here today after some springlike days - 13 degrees C brrrrr.

  4. 28C - perfection! Any warmer is fine for lolling about in, but too warm for swimming, in my opinion.

    I hope your tomatoes are ripening up, Cro! Sun-warmed ripe tomato salad by the pool, what could be better.

    1. The vines are thick with huge green tomatoes... maybe we should eat them like that!

  5. Who is that sylph-like figure I see floating there. Green is the colour I am emanating at the moment.

  6. Far too cold to swim here!

    1. I thought the word 'COLD' was banned in Angola.

  7. We have just bought a new pump - 400. Euros!! Ours blew up a couple of weeks ago. Lots of expense and no enjoyment this year. We are at 24-26 degrees in the Centre.

    1. Oh dear. Actually I'm amazed that ours keeps going. It must be about 7 years old.

  8. MMMM...fried green tomatoes and green tomato pickles.

  9. Its been a good year for swimming in our pool too, 18 degrees and green and sludgy on opening day, clear and 22 within a couple of days, and then rapidly up to 28 and 29, where it has stayed all summer. We cover it most nights, only leaving it open if it is a very still night ( not many of them round here) and the temp. is not due to drop much.

    1. Amazing isn't it... I don't think we've had another year like it.

  10. Right, I've got 6 guests for dinner tonight, so I'd better go and kill some fatted calf! Goodnight.

  11. That water looks jealous.
    Enjoy your guests, Cro!
