Friday 12 July 2013

Returned to Sender.

About 6 weeks ago I sent a letter to my son in England, but inadvertently addressed it to his PREVIOUS ADDRESS (silly Cro).

When, after two weeks, he said he hadn't received it, I realised my stupid mistake, and made amends by sending another.

Would you Adam and Eve it; it has now been returned, complete with its contents (a cheque for a thousand smackers).

It almost renews my faith in human nature. I had, of course, already cancelled the above cheque, just in case!


  1. Some years back, when my sister was living in England, I mailed her a letter. About six weeks later, I received it back in the mail, unopened, and the post marks showed that it had gone to Australia and back. Go figure!

    I put it in another envelope and remailed it.


  2. When staying in an Ayr B & B I left an important notebook behind. When I got back to Welshampton I wrote to them and drew a map of the B & B's location on the envelope.

    I received the notebook back. The postal services were a lot better. then.

  3. I once sent a Christmas parcel to my brother who wasn't in to receive it - a month later I got the parcel back, needless to say he went without a Christmas present that year. Sometimes the system works.

  4. Apparently there are good people everywhere. A couple years ago, I stopped at McDonald's and went inside to order my food rather than wait in line at the drive-through. I paid cash and I guess just laid my wallet on the counter instead of putting it back in my pocket. I was a couple miles down the road when my phone rang (the number was in my wallet). At this point I had not realized my wallet was missing. The guy says, "are you missing a wallet?"

    He told me where to meet him, I did and he had the wallet, all contents intact. I gave him $20 for his trouble and thanked him profusely.

  5. If I give you my address will you send me 1000 £

  6. Getting old, eh Cro?

    I once paid Euro six and a half grand to buy from a firm in Germany a 1:6 scale radio control model of a Russian T 72 tank paintend up in Angolan Army colours as a special presente for Dominic. I don't know how many times I told the builder to send it DHL. He sent it tp Angola Deutsche Bundespost parcel service. When I railed at him his excuse was that DBP owned DHL so it must be the same thing. I resigned myself to its loss.

    Three months later, I received a phone call on my mobile asking me to come down to the Central Post Office in Luanda to collect three very big parcels. Instead of costing me over a grand in DHL, it cost me 140 plus another 100 bung to the nice lady in the post office who had called me.

    It is trendy to rail at public servants but there are still those amongst them who take their jobs seriously and really do earn their Money.

  7. My town's name is not unique, and we sometimes have mixups with another state. I experienced that when having to get my car repaired after i lost control of it slipping in snow when the man called me to say he'd be a couple hours as he had a stop to make first in W, which i knew to be easily 4 hours away. I then asked him if he thought i lived in W's state. Yes, he had. The insurance person i spoke to on the phone had used the wrong two-letter abbreviation.

    About a month ago, i got a lovely postcard from Dingle. I wondered who among my acquaintances had taken a trip to Ireland, as none of my closest friends had disclosed such plans. The name was different, but the street name and town were not. The state's name, again the preferred two-letter abbreviation could have been read as either my state or W's state. It was read as mine.

    I took it to the post office, and the clerk thanked me for bringing it in so she could send it on its way. Said it happened a lot.

  8. Happens to us all Cro. When my first husband was released from a Japanese POW camp he was flown to hospital in Bangalore. His sister wrote to him from the UK and put Bangalore, Leicestershire. Somebody had crossed out Leicestershire and put 'Try India' - he received it.

  9. Good to hear that honesty still exists. Let's hope that RBS are around long enough for the cheque to be cashed... I bank with them too so I have a vested interest in their longevity!

    1. I started with Williams Deacons, then Williams and Glyns, then RBS. The best (by far) was Williams Deacons.

  10. that restores the soul!!! well done ...and also on contacting bank..I might have sallied on in ignorance!

  11. Most people are honest and good. However, you were lucky.
