Thursday 25 July 2013

Nose-Bag Review.

When we first arrived to live in France, all those 42 years ago, there was an excellent family hotel and restaurant in our nearest small town. It was run by Leonard Rossiter look-alike M Fays (Fye-eeese) and his family. It was the hub of the town and was always busy; we dined there regularly.

In time M Fays and his wife retired, and the business was passed on to their daughter and son-in-law, whose prowess in 'hotel keeping' was definitely not that of Papa and Mama. The place soon closed, and was sold off to a man who 'allegedly' had a grudge against the town's authorities; he locked the doors and simply walked away, leaving the town with no hotel or restaurant.

In recent years the small bar and restaurant have re-opened, but the hotel stays closed.

For various reasons we had not been back to test its wares, but last night an opportunity arose, and we jumped at it.

The fare was simple, the view across the Place was much as it's been since 1270, and the food was homely and good.  

We both chose the Entrecote with chips and salad, and drank a really delicious bottle of Pécharmant. The steak itself was one of the best I've had for years.

So, if you're in the area, it's the Hotel du Commerce in Villefranche-du-Périgord. Nice to be able to recommend somewhere; it's become something of a rarity.

I should add that other than us, the place was awash with young Dutch families with small children (plus a handful of babies); all were perfectly well-behaved (the children, I mean).


  1. That looks a nice rare steak.

  2. I seem to remember we went there way back when I visited.

  3. I can't remember ever having eaten at a cafe or restaurant where you could eat outside. Maybe some of the fast food places have them. I know those where you could eat in your car used to be popular. It is a different world here.

    That all looks perfectly lovely - the food, the tables and chairs outside and those old buildings across the street.

    1. It was a very hot and stormy evening; the storms stayed away.

      The small town is a 13th C Bastide, most of which is still in situ.

    2. I didn't know what a bastide was so I looked it up. Very interesting! The most interesting part was how they helped to end feudalism. Thanks Cro.

    3. If you look up Villefranche du Perigord under Google Images, you should get a better idea of both the town, and where the restaurant is situated.

    4. Apparently I need to download a Google app to see anything more than the satellite image. I think I can see some pictures without the app though. The thing is I probably don't need to as it would make me want to visit.

  4. There were lots of Dutch holiday-makers in the Loire when I was chez nous last week. They always seem to be polite, charming and very tanned!

    Your meal looks delicious and in such lovely surroundings. I hope you get another opportunity to enjoy the same soon.

    1. Our village Marché des Producteurs is tonight. Always a special occasion.

  5. What a cute place with a lot of atmosphere! You enjoyed your French meal like I did mine...Happy Birthday (belated too!!!)

  6. I know it is wrong, but the idea of having a grudge and being able to afford to buy up the only restaurant in town and shut it sort of appeals to me.

    1. I know what you mean. It's the ultimate revenge.

  7. I hope your good review of this restaurant will bring them more customers.

  8. Nice to hear the Hotel du Commerce is operating as a restaurant again. We used to enjoy eating 'under the arches' many years ago when we first arrived in the area. (Paul still misses the lovely Jacqueline!)

  9. Steak and Chips. You can take the Englishman out of Essex, but you can't take the Essex out of the Englishman. What - I ask you - is wrong with a good bit of grilled horse?

    1. Nah, s'cow innit (but my son eats horse)!

  10. A nice meal! Glad the restaurant visit turned out to be worthwhile.

  11. When I win the US lotto I shall come over there and open the hotel again. Yes I will. If you'll agree to do some indoor Murals that is
