Wednesday 10 July 2013

Monty's Woes (contains graphic image).

Poor old Monty; he seems to amble from one disaster to another!

Now he's gone and got himself STUNG, TWICE, by some bee or wasp or horsefly. And what's the only remedy in a dog's first-aid kit? That's it... to scratch until it's all scratched away.

He was very agitated early yesterday morning;  his back looked very sore, and was covered in blood, so it was off to the Vet with him, where they confirmed our diagnosis. He's now been shaved, had a jab, and has some antibiotics and ointment to take for the next few days. 

Poor old boy, it's been so hot that he's been hiding away indoors. Fried liver will be back on the menu to help the healing process. There's only one thing that really helps take him mind off his ailments, and that's FOOD.

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  1. Yow! Poor Monty. Lots of nasty beasties around at the moment.

  2. I can certainly relate to our non human friends having problems this Summer. I've noticed the same about food and staying indoors. My cat is inside now and either eating or waiting patiently for me to come downstairs and console him.

  3. Poor Monty, he does look in a sorry state. I hope he heals quickly. Quick, get him a treat, those sad eyes are working on me.

  4. Oh the poor love! Get better soon Monty.

  5. Poor Monty - that looks sore. Give him a pet from me.

  6. Poor Monty...he was really working at that.

  7. That does look very sore - poor Monty. Paddy tends to try to catch wasps and bees whenever they are around. ( keep warning him of the dangers, but he doesn't listen!) Amazingly, he caught and killed a wasp the other day, without getting stung.

  8. With all the rain many of us are having this summer, the bug population seems to have doubled. I hope that Monty heals quickly.

  9. Poor old dog - I don't know how you stop them scratching in such circumstances - we would want to but know it would just make matters worse. I must say he must be a much loved dog it you are there frying liver for him in this heat.

  10. Poor Monty! I hope he can heal quickly. I'm sure the liver will help.

  11. Yooooow!!
    Bee's and Wasp and Hornets are nasty. And that bit LOOKS nasty,
    I am not sure if you have blow fly or fly problems there as we have here, but watch to make sure no nasty maggots get in there till that heals. That would be a mess.
    Sending healing to Monty and you and Lady M.

  12. Poor boy, stay in and away from flys. They are a bugger when there are open sores.

  13. When I took him for his early morning walk, I noticed that flies were settling on his sores, so I headed for home at once. Nasty.

  14. OUCH - you can antiseptic powder to put on the sores which will put the flies off.

  15. Poor sweet boy... I hope he feels better soon! (lots of treats will definitely help!)

  16. He has the sweetest face. Poor guy.

  17. His sores are looking a lot better this morning... and a lot 'drier'.

  18. oh ouch! I tend to like to eat treats when I'm recovering as well. Best of luck for his swift recovery!
