Wednesday 17 July 2013


This is Fred.

Fred is the unknown quantity chez Magnon. We know he lives with us, or, at least, he uses here as a 'base', but we hardly ever see him.

Sometimes, at night, he sleeps curled-up under my chin, and occasionally he jumps onto my lap early in the morning when I'm posting my blog.

We feed him, give him his monthly tick/flea treatment, and clear-up his leftover mouse bits, but other than that he's an enigma; a free spirit.

So, here he is, in a very unusual pose, looking magnificently haughty on the stairs.

I have a real soft-spot for Tabbies; they must be the wildest of domestic cats.

p.s. I should add that my oldest son, Kimbo, paid legal-tender MONEY for Fred. Usually cats are given away by the wet sackful, but Fred was actually Purr-chased.

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  1. A proper cat. Humans are little more than hotel receptionists, to be humoured, tipped and forgotten until needed again.

  2. A majestic pose by a lovely looking puss - cats are a law unto themselves and I wouldn't have them any other way.

  3. Fred is a very handsome cat and I am sure worth the money your son paid for him.

  4. Worth every penny, Mr. M.
    I have a few tabby's also. They are in their own class.
    I love the look on Fred's face when you took the photo, as to why you are in his face....
    Thank you for posting him. Have a wonderful day.

  5. The REAL head of household! He is verra handsome.

  6. How does he get along with the dogs?

    1. Not too good. They like HIM; but HE's not too keen on them. He was here first, so he probably sees them as 'intruders'.

  7. Fred is SO handsome!

    Both of my tabbies were born feral, and they've been relishing the summer weather, wanting to stay out most nights. So far, they usually like to have some daily cuddle time with me, even if it's just brief. A few slow eye blinks, a rub on my legs, or if i walk past them, i pet them and give them a quick kiss as they're napping.

    You must be his favourite human, as he's picked you to sleep on. I wonder what tales he could tell!

  8. I am a tabby lover myself......and Fred is a fine specimen.
    Is he still "all male?"

    1. I'm afraid not. Lady Magnon insists that all our male animals speak in high voices.

  9. 'Purrr-chased'. You should be shot for that, but instead I am trying to think of cat-related puns which do not rely on the word 'pussy'.

  10. What a handsome tabby fellow!

  11. So nice to see Fred...he's very regal looking in that photo. He also looks a tad irritated!
