Friday 28 June 2013

Siesta Season.

When it's oppressively hot in the early afternoon, there's really only one sensible thing to do; sleep.

Just like the dogs, we find our own shady and comfortable spot, and snooze away before chucking ourselves in the pool for further essential cooling.

Personally I head for the 'tower' where I throw the window and door wide open and, with the minimum of clothing, try to sleep for an hour or so.

Lady Magnon, however, prefers the sofa on the covered terrace. With iPad in hand, and the babbling brook-like sound of the pool in her ears, she replies to hundreds of Emails, updates her Facebook page, and probably dreams of kissing frogs.

As a boy, I was always bemused by how the Spaniards retreated to their shuttered homes, just as the Brits rushed for the beach. Now of course I understand that they were the sensible ones, and we were the 'red and blistered' ones.

As Noel Coward so rightly stated...... 'the sun is much too sultry, one must avoid its ultry violet rays'.
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  1. Looks inviting - 4 degrees C forecast overnight with 15 degrees high tomorrow.

  2. 'Oppressively hot' - remind me how that feels again...?

  3. It's a gloomy overcast 14' here today. I am seriously thinking of moving somewhere warm when the Mr retires!

  4. I heartily agree. I don't know why we don't do the siesta thing here in Brisbane in the Summer. Must be our English heritage of soldiering on through the heat. Personally, I can't think straight when I'm hot. thankfully aircon does make it all much more comfortable without the danger of excess UV exposure in the pool while cooling off ( providing the water temp is below 28 C ). Winter temperature here today of 20 C.

  5. well at least no one is retreating to the cool of the bathroom floor....wedged behind the toilet. Do tell, what are your hot temps? We're looking at 108 in the next few days. Oy.

    1. It's going to be about 30 C next week, but it's not only the heat, it's been quite humid recently which is worse.

  6. We have an hour every afternoon on the bed, it relaxes everything and we are ready to carry on afterward. If we miss it, we really know by the end of the day. It's our stay young hour, lol

  7. Today you'd hardly know it was summer. It's quite cold, and we've even had some rain.

  8. The beauty of living in a wood is that there is always somewhere shady to sit.... there is always somewhere shady to carry on with the gardening though too.
    Humidity will defeat me. That and the midges.

  9. From where I sit at the moment with the wind 'a-blowing and the rain 'a-raining it all sounds too good to be true...

  10. It's been blazing here in the north east of the states...humid and hot ..really hot..and now lots of rain...I'll take the rain any day!!
    I was in corde sur ciel two summers ago...was it ever hot but we did see le tour!!! What a beautiful place!!
    I used to love the's like some one scrambled my brain!!!! I just can't function!!! So I agree drinks......pool.....drinks.....pool.....zzzzzzzz

    1. Pool...drinks...pool...drinks. Yup, that's perfect.

  11. I used to be able to handle the heat much better than now. Now air conditioning has spoiled me and bouts of skin cancer has kept me away from the UV rays of the summer sun.

  12. Our week started off sunny, hot, and humid, but that made way for grey and rain. And more rain. At least it cooled off, so much more comfy sleeping at night (temps in the 50's°F/10–14°C).

    Being a working stiff, i can't nap in the afternoons but must soldier on.
