Monday 10 June 2013

Really Bok; what on earth are you doing?


What's Monty laughing at? He can't believe that his brother, Bok, is playing with a pair of silly hens rather than with him.


No attempt to chase them, or have them for lunch; he just wanted to herd them, and keep them half-way twixt he and me. He's pretty good at it too. Lady M's even considering buying a small flock of sheep!


  1. A dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do. The herding instinct is strong, maybe there's a bit of border collie in Bok. I notice only two hens in the herd, Richard hasn't wandered off again, I hope!

    1. Edwina died some while ago; I now just have the two Richards. Bok's definitely half Border Collie.... not so sure of the other half!

  2. A vlog Cro....well done...although I did expect to hear 'come-by'...

    1. I've only just realised there is some sound on the video; otherwise I would have done the 'away', and 'come by', stuff.

  3. Shepherding like that is just a very polite dog's way of asking "May we have chicken for dinner tonight please? I have most of the ingredients to hand."

  4. Clever Bok!

    Monty has discovered the joy of watching someone else do the work.

  5. what a good boy Bok is! Love the video clip. It looks so lush where you are.

  6. Living the good life many moons ago, I had a westie called Katie. She would always chase the hens. Well that is, until one day, they decided enough was enough. As a group they turned on her, tipping her over onto her back and proceeded to peck her exposed tum. She never did chase them again!

    Bok is obviously a true gent, well trained.


  7. Did he start doing that on his own or did you encourage him?

  8. An excellent chicken dog at that.

  9. He looks like he would make an excellent herder. When will the sheep be arriving?

    It was nice to hear your voice, Cro.

  10. Maybe he isn't herding at all. I mean, he's a fine looking fellow; maybe he's just interested in keeping time with a couple cute chicks. (Sorry. I'll shut up now.)
