Saturday 1 June 2013

Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day!


For the last week or so, the small track along which I take my early morning walk with the dogs, has become a flowing river.

I have nothing against rain, in fact I rather like sitting by the fire and watching a good downpour, but, it's been chucking it down on-n-off for quite some while, and I'm getting a bit fed-up with it.

The soil at Haddock's is neither sand nor clay; it is what one might call 'good hearted loam'. The advantage being that it holds water for a while, which is perfect for the growing of vegetables. The disadvantage is that if it rains every other day, it becomes impossible to walk over it to weed, and it risks becoming swamped by a variety of pernicious nasties in a very short time.

It'll all work out fine in the end; it always does. But for the moment I'm desperate to get stuck into some hoeing, and everything is against me.

Meanwhile all is growing well, and decent sunshine has been forecast for the near future. But knowing our weather forecasters they've probably been bribed to offer some hope, just to avoid the entire nation becoming severely depressed.

Hooray, hooray,
the first of June.
Some good weather
must come soon.


  1. Cro, sounds like you live in Seattle!

    I LOVE that photo....

  2. I have four friends that have visited France in the past month. They loved the country but were disappointed with the weather you are experiencing. Another couple I know left last Tuesday with a life full of expectations and a joy in their hearts of a dream come true of visiting the city of Paris and 16 more days of touring the countryside. I hope the rain will go away for you and them.

    1. We have three friends over at the moment. One from S Africa, one from Barbados, and the other from Canada. They are each experiencing a new side of life in France.

  3. Maybe some sunshine today. Just maybe...

  4. There is a Hoopoe on my lawn; my concern with the weather is all but forgotten!

    1. I misread at first, I thought it was a hippo on the lawn.

  5. Have you tried dangling upside down from a cherry-picker arm to weed?

    The rain in Lincolnshire has been very half-hearted (so far).

    1. I was thinking of experimenting with dynamite... but the sun has now returned.

  6. It#s feast or famine isn't it? either too much or too little rain.

  7. I am afraid to complain about the amount of rain we've been having because I know that very soon we will be going through our annual summer drought and burn off.

  8. Hoping the weather clears up for you and your visiting friends! :)

  9. I thought it was sunshine all the way for you - nice to know that everything is not so perfect at Chez Cro and that you are experiencing a bit of our British weather for a change. You'll soon be back to shorts, sandals and swimming and making us all envious.

  10. Come an witness our earth after heavy rain..."Black gold" they call it, plant a nail and sure enough you will grow a crow pun intended, from my point of view, if you walk on this "Black gold" for any length of time you end up with 6" of Black clay attached to the bottom of your boots !! and when it dries it opens up which cause the foundations of the house to move....oh you get the picture, great for farmers, but for the little back yard "wanna be" best to build above ground garden beds :-)enjoy the sun when she shines Cro.

  11. Sorry you're having too much rain. I sure wish we had some of it our way. (maybe tomorrow) It was bloody hot here today, and the sun was pretty brutal. (I have the sunburn to prove it.)
