Sunday 16 June 2013

I Was Warned! (contains disturbing image)

You know those signs you see, that say 'Hazardous Chemicals'. Well, just occasionally, they mean what they say.

Swimming pool hygiene is a reasonably precise art. One needs to have the Chlorine and pH levels just right, or risk the water turning green; just as ours had, on opening the pool recently.

A few years back I'd removed my T shirt to clean the pool, and managed to get some neat pH+ liquid on my sides. They turned red, blistered, and itched like crazy. This year I've managed to do something similar, and my two forearms are covered in red scars and nasty blisters (it's actually much worse than it appears to be in the photo).

I'm usually quite cautious about handling chemicals, but something went amiss somewhere and I'm now paying the price.

On the good side, the water temperature has risen and Lady Magnon has had her first swim (not me yet). As is the tradition in Sweden, I offered to give her a good thrashing with some Birch twigs, but she very sensibly declined.

p.s. As pH (sodium carbonate) is an acid, Lady M has insisted that I spread Calcium-rich Yoghurt all over my arms. So, if you should see some scruffy old codger with his arms covered in Yoghurt, don't point at him and laugh; it could be me... Anything for a quiet life!

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  1. That looks nasty - more care next time perhaps.

  2. The first thing I thought on seeing the photo was the same as what you said: it has to be worse than what it looks.

    Let us hope it has improved since the time you wrote the post.

  3. What were you thinking Cro! That looks really sore.

    1. I thought I'd been REALLY cautious... not so!

  4. Ooh Cro....looks nasty....keep spreading the yogurt.

  5. Just had my first swim of 2013. Air temp' (in shade) 26 C, water temp' 23 C. Lovely.

  6. You make swimming in an untreated murky pond complete with leaches and ticks, as I recently did while on vacation, look rather inviting. Next time wear a divers suit before you play with that crap. We need your arms in good shape for future blogging!

  7. Ouch that hurts just looking at them.

  8. Perhaps now you'll hire a cute, young pool boy!

  9. That looks painful, Cro! I do hope you're able to heal quickly. Maybe next time you ought to don long sleeves or even rubber gloves that cover up to your elbows.

    I learned rubber gloves were my friends when getting the boat ready. Some of the cleaners can be very caustic.

    1. Exactly what Lady M has been telling me; I get no sympathy.

  10. That's dreadful. Maybe it's time to consider hiring someone to take care of the pool prep work next spring.

  11. There's always the option of converting to a saline pool I suppose Cro... though probably an expensive conversion with the new equipment required. I suppose you'd be replacing chemicals with saline and still trying to get the levels right. We have similar issues with our hot tub, but on a much smaller scale!
