Saturday 8 June 2013

Hay Making 2013.

It's the first week in June, and hay making is well under way all around us. At this time of year the farmers watch the weather forecast like hawks; as soon as a few days of hot weather is announced, they're out there cutting like crazy.

There are cherries on the trees, baby birds are everywhere, and by tonight there will be fresh hay in the barns.

As I walk in the fields, the smell of the early morning sun on freshly cut hay is simply delicious. Summer is only 14 days away.

And here are some of my neighbours, rallying round to get the new bales off the fields. Even Monty and Bok were helping.  

Old Father Time has a lot to answer for; he makes the months go by so very quickly.
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  1. The countryside around you is simply beautiful!

  2. re my yesterday's posting: I've just been sent an article, by a friend, about a group of 'top French chefs' who are insisting that only restaurants that prepare ALL their food from fresh should be allowed to call themselves RESTAURANTS. They are suggesting that the others (such as the one I visited) be called 'eateries'. I agree 100%.

    1. We had that on the news down here the other day as well.

    2. I agree completely. Having just returned from France and having enjoyed the food France is famous for I would hate to see the well earned reputation of French cooking ruined by lazy cooks and shortcuts.

  3. What a difference from a week or so ago. Hope it lasts. Just love the 'newness' of everything at this time of year. (I saw a Western Green Lizard in the garden yesterday, he was beautiful, vidid green and blue, very different to the common wall lizards.)

    1. I've seen all sizes of snakes around, but as yet no green lizzie. The little ones of course are everywhere, and provide Bok with hours of fun.

  4. It is truly beautiful, and the smell of fresh cut hay is a delight...then I read about the snakes. Paradise spoilt.

    1. I'm learning to live with them... but I still don't like them.

  5. One of my favourite smells is freshly cut hay - mmmm. The first photo could almost be a Constable painting all it needs is a hay cart.

  6. It all looks so peaceful.

  7. Newsflash- Have you looked out the window. You will need your sou'wester for this evenings walk!!

    1. And my neighbour is muck-spreading.... wet and smelly.

  8. I love the look of the round hay bales -- so much more attractive and interesting that the rectangles one usually sees in the states.

  9. We've had some demented silagers here too. The weather is just right for them (and me) - so much grass, so little time.
