Thursday 6 June 2013

Bloody Bok.

There's always something, isn't there!

You take the little darlings for their morning walk, they run off into the woods, and return with blood POURING from an ear.

At first I couldn't find where the blood was coming from, the whole left side of his face was covered in the stuff.

Eventually I could see that some wild beast (maybe a boar, or a fox) had tried to eat his left ear. 

When back at the house I rallied Nurse Magnon who quickly and efficiently arrived with towels, and the flow was soon stemmed.

We'll never know what happened, but, in the future, I quite expect he'll be very wary of whatever it was he encountered.

Dogs eh.... who'd av em!

p.s. And to cap off a bad day, we've lost one of our hens (Richard); I quite expect she's been taken by a fox.
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  1. Richard might have been taken by the same fox (or another beast) that attacked your dog.

  2. so much blood! Glad that Bok is okay. As far as staying away from the offending beast, don't bet on it. One of my dogs was badly injured 3 times after tangling with a raccoon. Raccoon died every time and must have sent their kin to seek revenge.

  3. STOP PRESS: Richard has returned! I found her this morning INSIDE her run. How she got back in there is a mystery. As yesterday was Wednesday, and there is no school here in France on Wednesdays, I suspect a bit of skulduggery on behalf of certain children.

    1. Or they might have found her out after-hours and escorted her home?

      Hope Bok is on the mend; it looks ever so sore, poor lad.


  4. Poor old Bok - I hope he gave as good as he got. Hurrah for Richards return - a mystery indeed.

  5. Poor thing......must have been quite a jolt for you both.

  6. Yikes, poor old hound. Please give him a hug from me! Glad to hear that the hen has returned - a shopping trip do you think or maybe a sly visit to the quacks? You'll have to take her keys away.

  7. Poor boy! I hope he's feeling better! I would have panicked at the sight of all that blood.

    Nice to hear that Richard is back, too. All's well that ends well, hey? :)

  8. They are sometimes more of a worry than bleeding kids

  9. Ugh. Ears bleed like hell... But good it was no more. Are you sure it was an animal? I think you would have heard something...
    Good that Richard is back!

    1. We have no idea what it was; it could even have been brambles!

  10. Oh poor old Bok, I hope he heals quickly. The trouble with ear wounds is that they tend to reopen when the dog shakes his head vigorously. I'm glad Richard has returned.

    1. Lady Magnon put a 'flour and water' paste on the wound; well, she IS Swedish.

  11. Poor Baby...thank goodness he had you to get him some help right away. Where blood is involved things always look worse than they really are. Glad your hen returned to the fold.

  12. Like a horror movie! Roobarb was kicked by a deer inside the thigh, that didn't half bleed too.

    Poor old Bok, extra hug from Aunty Kath

  13. It always amazes me how much blood comes from a place like an ear. You're right though, he won't go near whatever did it again.
    Hope he's okay

  14. Let's hope Bok gave as good as he got, if not more. Sue

  15. Poor Bok! head/ears always bleed most alarmingly :-(

  16. Oh my, poor Bok! That must have been so upsetting seeing your beloved dog in that condition. I am happy for you that both Bok and Richard are OK.

  17. MORE STOP PRESS: We now have the answer to the lost hen. Whilst we were out at a restaurant last night, our neighbour found her wandering about by their pool and very kindly brought her back. I believe she was a bugger to catch!

  18. We could all do with neighbours like that!

    Lulu once got her ear stuck in brambles. She was tugging really hard to try to get away, so I can see how a bramble could do so much damage.

  19. Ah your a good man as his herself. Lucky dog. Ears will heal. We had a large Great Pyrenees once who cam home with belly split open from Bobcat. Had to wait an hour until the vet got there to put him down. Which is why I now own my own guns.

  20. I'm glad poor ol' Bok is okay. As for your hen, maybe she snuck off for a little tryst, eh?
